Kalki reveal Real Facts about original photos of Rama and Krishn

Real Facts. Original photos of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not available now. From an ocean of innumerable people, how can one man be distinguished from another? Though the general outward appearance may be the same, each individual has a distinct face, shape, structure, finger prints etc. It is only a universal truth that these factors differentiate one from another. Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are the 7th and 8th incarnations of Lord Vishnu (VishnuDeva). But at the same time kings and humans. During their times also there were talented artists and sculptors. But the original statues and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not available now. So the artists used their imagination and portrayed in different forms, colours etc. as Sree Rama and Sree Krishna. If the original idol and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are available, then will the present portraits and idols made by several artists and sculptures with different image, face, physical structures and colour be accepted? If so then, is it that tough to mutilate the real history of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna by adding contemptuous and imagined stories? The real portrait of Gandhiji is available now then there is no need to draw any picture of his from one’s own imagination and imagine as it is of Gandhiji, if so done then it will be a real disgrace for him. Not to disgrace is the real grace. – Kalki