Sree Krishna says “If the hand of the husband is amputated, then is it chastity for the wife also to self-amputate her hand to show respect to her husband? Is it an exemplary act?”
Gandhari was the princess of Gandhara and the wife of Dhritarashtra, the blind King of Hastinapur, and the mother of Duryodhana, Dushasana etc.
Kalki Revealed in Kalki Bhagawan Yugadharma Magazine (R.N.E6 – 37523/98. Not currently being published.), Malayalam monthly, in the year 2000. Paperback published in 2008. Thereafter, published in Janmabhumi Daily on 21 Sep 2010. Read original Malayalam.
Gandhari Never Blindfolded Her Eyes After the First Meeting with Sree Krishna
Gandhari saw Sree Krishna, the 8th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, for the first time in Hasthinapuri. Though she had heard a lot about Krishna, it was the first time she was meeting him. Being an ardent devotee of Sree Krishna, the noble Gandhari received him with great warmth. She herself paved the way for their conversation.
Krishna asked, “Ma Gandhari, how will you see us if you blindfold yourself?” Gandhari was perplexed.
Sree Krishna continued.
“How could you serve your husband and fulfil your marital duties if you are sightless?”
“How could you contribute to administrative matters? Shouldn’t you help him in taking care of the well-being of his subjects?”
“If you cover your eyes, will you be able to fulfil your motherly duties? Won’t you yourself become dependent on others?”
“A chaste woman is one who serves her husband with devotion. For that, she should have sound health which includes proper vision. If she is blind, tired or handicapped in anyway, how could she look after her husband?”
“If the husband’s hand is amputated, to show respect should the wife amputate her own hand? Is that the right model of chastity?”
“If the husband falls sick, should the wife also feign the same sickness instead of taking care of him?”
“If the husband is blind, it is the wife’s sight that should eradicate his blindness; that way, he would be blessed in getting a wife who can see. But on the other hand, if the wife who should look after her husband blindfolds herself, would she be considered as a noble wife? She will have to resort to other people to look after her husband. Actually, it is the right and duty of a wife to serve her husband by herself. How could she fulfil it through a servant? Is it not against all ethics?”
“When the husband, though blind, becomes a King, the wife is elevated to the position of Queen. But if she opts to remain blind, how could she give care to King and help in royal administration?”
“Eye sight is essential for looking after one’s children. So, is she not doing injustice to them by not fostering them if she opts to be blind?”
“A King and a Queen should be role models in their words and deeds. Only then the people will remain righteous.”
“Eye sight is a blesiing and most valuable fortune. One should be vain and thankless to deny such a unique blessing.”
“Don’t try to avoid the blessings of the Supreme Genetic Authority Lord Brahma, Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva and Supreme Protection Authority Lord Vishnu in light form existing in Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka respectively.”
“I will not stand with anything against dharma (equilibrium) and at this instant let me make it clear that I do not accept Gandhari blindfolding herself. It is an unforgivable mistake to continue with a practice which has been proved to be wrong. If realisation is gained, it should be accepted and followed. Logical and practical decisions based on whole-hearted devotion alone should become examples for others. Is Gandhari so proud as to deny the great fortune of the divine darshan of Me, the Eighth Incarnation of Lord VishnuDeva ?”
This flow of nectar-like words of Sree Krishna was an eye opener to Gandhari. Oh! What she had considered to be right till that moment was proved to be absolutely senseless and foolish. Why didn’t any other knowledgeable one tell her this before? Once Gandhari realised the truth, she felt disgust against all except Krishna.
“How could they reveal the truth to others if it is obscure to themselves? Instead of blaming others, one should realise their shortcomings and limitations through introspection. That is the right path and method.”
Krishna realised Gandhari’s thoughts.
She instantaneously untied her eyes and was blessed with the darshan of Lord Sree Krishna.
She prostrated and surrendered herself at his feet. After that, she did not blindfold her eyes throughout her life to deny her sight to honour her blind husband, King Dhritarashtra.
In 2009, Sathya Sai Baba published Howard Murphet’s “Sai Inner Views and Insights” without 10th chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” which contains his false ‘prediction’, why? Kalki reveals the real facts with solid evidences.
Has Swamy Vivekananda Reincarnated? Where? What is the Mission? This question deserves much importance in the present situation of India.
Vivekananda, born on 12th January 1863, led the importances of Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism) to the highest peak of the culture in this world and became samadhi on 4th July 1902, has now reincarnated in Sri Lanka this time according to Sathya Sai Baba’s false prediction, actually, Vivekananda has reincarnated as Kalki now in India and doing the activities. This is correctly written in ancient Nadi Palm Leaves which contains the divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi. This article examines the important Aadi Tamil stanzas from ancient Nadi Palm Leaves and gives the English prose translation.
Sathya Sai Baba’s false prediction, that now, Vivekananda has reincarnated in Sri Lanka, is given as “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” in the 10th chapter of the book, “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” (ISBN L-887906-00-2) (fig-1) written by Howard Murphet, a journalist who had 30 years of his experiences with Sathya Sai Baba. The book was published by Leela Press, America.
The book,’ Sai Inner Views and Insights’ by Howard Murphet, published in 1996 by Leela Press, USA was later published in 2009 by the Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Division in the same name as” Sai Inner Views and Insights”. But they published removing the 10th chapter,”The Rebirth of Vivekananda” of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” by Leela Press. Moreover the extracts from the 3rd para in page 39 and 2nd para in page 40 of the sixth chapter in “Sai Inner Views and Insights”. Overseas Edition published by Leela Press,USA was removed by the Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust. They published “Sai Inner Views and Insights” avoiding Sathya Sai Baba’s false prediction including these lines. This article also discloses tactics of heinous escapism like creating darkness by closing one’s own eye.
Sathya Sai Baba is alive in the year 2009. Sathya Sai Baba’s decision was only executed in his institutions .Is there anyone who has the authority and courage to publish avoiding Sathya Sai Baba’s important ‘prediction’ about the rebirth of Vivekananda without his permission? And if anyone has done so without his permission, then, after the publication they should have informed to the world the reason for this forgetfulness , and sincerely apologise for the mistake happened and publish again including the removed part.
Sathya Sai Baba predicted that he would be healthy until he attains samadhi at the age of 96, but he fell ill and died at the age of 84 years 5 months and 1 day. Thus his prediction was falsified (there came the drama of Lunar Year), actually, based on the approved Indian Astrology how the person’s age should be calculated in the order of year- month- week- day, forms an important part of this article.
It is not intended to disgrace Sathya Sai Baba alias the person named Sathya Narayana Raju through this article. But, the facts should be known.
Note: In “Sai Inner Views and Insights” by Leela Press it is given that 96th year is in 2021, actually it is, 2022 (1926-2022). It might be the printing mistake.
Lord Shiva said Vivekananda reincarnated as Kalki written by Agastya
Avatharam Maalavanin=Lord Vishnu incarnated, Arulinaale=by the divine words, Arbhuthankil=miracles, Nihayilthave=by doing, Vivekanandan=as Swamy Vivekananda, Divyamaay Palasevai=different kinds of spiritual services, Gnanamshinthai=following the path of spirituality and wisdom, Kaalamathil=at that time, Naan Alaithen= I (Lord Shiva) called back, Athaninpinne=after that, Kalkiyenum Avataram Ithukalathil=incarnated as Kalki at this time.
Lord Vishnu took birth as Swamy Vivekananda and did several moral activities related with spirituality and temple work. At that time, I called Him back. After that, now incarnated as Kalki. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
It is written in the ancient Nadi Palm Leaves that Vivekananda is reborn and doing the activities now in India. Lord Shiva had informed Parvathi Devi about the correct date of birth and descriptions of previous incarnations, which the sages like Agastya and Visvamithra had seen in meditation and wrote it on palm leaves in Sanskrit language. Later on Thanjavur King, Sharabhoji II with the help of scholars got it translated to Aadi Tamil language. These are stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu. Important stanzas and its English prose translations are included in this article.
Own Age: False ‘Prediction’ of Sathya Sai Baba
Sathya Narayana Raju alias Sathya Sai Baba, born on 26 Nov, 1926 was in poor health since 2005 and used wheel chair. Later, his physical condition became much worse and was hospitalised for about one month and died on 24 April, 2011.
Sathya Sai Baba, the founder of all Sathya Sai institutions and Prasanthi Nilayam at Puttaparthy of Ananthpur (Dt.) in Andhra Pradesh had started the activities at the age of 14, informing that he is the rebirth of Shirdi Sai Baba.
Sathya Sai Baba had performed many activities in various zones like hospital, education etc.
Sathya Sai Baba had predicted that at his age of 96, in 2021 he would attain samadhi and then will take rebirth as Prem Sai Baba. He had claimed that he will not be affected of weakness, grey hair and illness throughout his life till he attains samadhi at the age of 96.
Sathya Sai Baba died on 24th April 2011 (Longevity: 84 years 5 months 1 day only from 23 Nov 1926 to 24 April 2011)
Approved Order of Age and Year in the World according to Indian Astrology
Given below is the astrological science existing in India since years and the mathematics to calculate second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year that is scientifically approved and widespread in the world.
One Pranakala Time = 4 second. (One breathing time of a healthy person)
6 Rithu or 365 days 15 Nazhika 22 Vinazhika = 365 days
365¼ days = 1 year
This is the mathematics followed to calculate the year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.
The science is quite simple. One day, i.e. 24 hours is the time needed for the earth to complete one rotation round its own axis. One year, i.e. 365 days is the time needed to complete one rotation around the sun.
The Real Age of Sathya Sai Baba: 84 years 5 months and 1 day only
It becomes acceptable when the belief joins with science. Our great astrology exists on this basic science. Therefore, Sathya Sai Baba lived on this earth for 84 years 5 months and 1 day from 26 Nov, 1926 to 24 April, 2011. But Sathya Sai Baba had predicted that he would be living as a man of strong physique till his age of 96, in 2021. Hence, it is proved Sathya Sai Baba’s prediction on own age is falsified.
Sai Baba at Shirdi (Died on 15th Oct 1918) | Sathya Sai Baba at Puttaparthi (various stages) ↕
Rebirth of Vivekananda: False ‘Prediction’ of Sathya Sai Baba
Vivekananda was a young saint who powerfully blazed the Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism) which the time cannot ruin! Narendranath Dutta, son of Viswanath Dutta and Bhuvaneswari grew up as Swami Vivekananda, an incredible carrier of magical words that could create awakening at any time.
Swami Vivekananda is a great treasure for India as well as for Sanathana Dharma ! Virtuous awakening formed a beginning for the right of the freedom of India by Lord Vishnu as Swami Vivekananda. Based on non-violence with sharp awareness of ‘ Swaraj’ (Right of My Country) as the dream to come true, Vivekananda foresaw that each Indian would achieve it through his own effort and self respect. Vivekananda enlightened the importances of Sanathana Dharma in the world!
Map of Puttaparthi
Howard Murphet, also a journalist was an ardent devotee of Sathya Sai Baba (23. 11. 1926- 24. 4. 2011) , the founder of Prashanthi Nilayam at Puttaparthy in Andhra Pradesh, South India.
Howard Murphet has written in detail about his experiences with Sathya Sai Baba during the period of 1965 to 1995 in the book named, “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.”( ISBN L-887906-00-2).
(Figure 1) “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” Book, Published by Leela Press, USA in 1996.
The false ‘prediction’ is in 10th chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” (figure 2) in the book “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” ( ISBN L-887906-00-2) (figure 1) written by Howard Murphet, the journalist and a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba.
(Figure 2) The ‘CONTENTS’ of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” written by Howard Murphet with the 10th Chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” Published by Leela Press, America in 1996.
Page No. 60 to 66 of 10th chapter, ‘The Rebirth of Vivekananda'(figure 2) includes the details of Sathya Sai Baba’s false ‘prediction’ on the rebirth of Swami Vivekananda. Leela Press in America has published the first edition in 1996.
Highlights from Sathya Sai Baba’s false ‘prediction’ is given below.
Vivekananda has reborn in Sri Lanka, named, Nalin Sedera. After the completion of his education and training he shall assist Baba in the mission. He will stay at Puttaparthy from the year, 2021. And also, Sathya Sai Baba ‘predicted’ that he would become samadhi at the age of 96 in, 2021. Later, until Sathya Sai Baba reincarnates as Prem Sai Baba and starts the activities (2021-2040), Nalin Sedera, a young Sri Lankan, the rebirth of Vivekananda will manage the activities at Prashanthi Nilayam. This was the content of the false ‘prediction’.
The meeting between Nalin Sedera and Sathya Sai Baba at Prashanthi Nilayam in the year 1987 is described in the book published by Leela Press.
Sathya Sai Baba ( at various stages)Sathya Sai Baba with Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh (last photo).
People do not see Sathya Sai Baba as a common man who had academic education till 7th standard. Though he had not participated in the freedom struggle, when the brave patriots reconstructed India as self dedication through freedom struggle in the year,1947 and when the country began to achieve progression gradually, he who did not react against the foreign rule or for getting freedom from them until then, started the activities at the age of 14, by self declaring that Sathya Narayana Raju alias Sathya Sai Baba is the rebirth of Shirdi Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Baba started several welfare activities for education and medical services like schools, hospitals etc. making use of the circumstances. Thus, Sathya Sai Baba informed his presence in almost all countries in the world by establishing several activities. Apart from this, Sathya Sai Baba not only said he has divinity, but gave such experiences to several people, which Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Division describes in their publications.
Sathya Sai Baba’s Super Speciality Hospital at Puttaparthi.
This has much importance because the false ‘prediction’ came from such a person like Sathya Sai Baba. Along with this false ‘prediction’, the world must know the reality about the rebirth of Vivekananda with solid evidences written in ancient scriptures by our great sages like Agastya and Visvamithra which contains the divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi.
It is not intented to neglect and criticize the various charitable activities done by Sathya Sai Baba. If the real Welfare Nation was executed in India, people will not be in a situation to receive the charitable generosity. Actually, people do not need others generosity. They should get their rights, i.e, welfare rule through the position: Ruler. The Ruler must allot the fundamental rights of the people, i.e, welfare ruling.
If the welfare nation is executed through the position as Ruler in his own country by welfare ruling and if it is possible to spread in the world, the real meaning and the essence of protection would be known to the people.
(Figure 3) Invoice (dated 3 Oct 2010) of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” (written by Howard Murphet and published by Leela Press, America in 1996) bought from Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust at Puttaparthi.
Leela Press Inc. (4026 River Road, Faber, VA 22938 USA) has published the book, “Sai Inner Views and Insights.Overseas Edition” for the first time in 1996. Howard Murphet, born in Tasmania in 1906 has included his experiences and knowledge he had from Sathya Sai Baba from 1965 to 1995 in this book written by him. Howard Murphet died on 28 sept , 2004. Howard Murphet got helps from his wife, Iris. The group photo of Sathya Sai Baba, Howard Murphet and his wife, Iris is given on the back cover of the book. Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust sales this book for 200 rupees. Price on the book is given as $12. (figure 1)
Sathya Sai Baba’s Publications Division, Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust at Puttaparthy still sales this book. Invoice (Bill No. BR13869) of this book bought on 3 Oct, 2011 through post is shown as (figure 3).
Sathya Sai Baba with Former President Pratiba Patil.(Figure 4) Cover page of “Sai Inner Views” Published in 1997 by Ganesh & Co, Chennai is the another Indian Edition of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” written by Howard Murphet and published by Leela Press, America in 1996.
In 1997, Ganesh & Co.(23, Thanikachalam Road, T. Nagar, Chennai- 600017) has published this book as “Sai Inner Views” (figure 4) in India, including “The rebirth of Vivekananda”( fig: 5) as the 11th chapter from page 59 to 65 at a cost of 85 rupees (ISBN 81-85988-10-2).
Sathya Sai Baba with Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (second photo).(Figure 5) In 1997, Ganesh & Co.Chennai published “Sai Inner Views” as the Indian Edition of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” (written by Howard Murphet and Published by Leela Press, America in 1996) with “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” as the 11th Chapter, is shown in the page of ‘Contents’.
Hereafter, the amazing matter makes the debut ! Quiet unbelievable!! Sathya Narayana Raju at the age of 14, declared himself as an incarnation named Sathya Sai Baba and while doing activities for several years understood that his prediction on Vivekananda’s rebirth has falsified, thereafter what was done for self escapism is informed with clear evidences.
Sathya Sai Baba who attracted the world with his ‘prediction’ on Vivekananda’s rebirth in Sri Lanka, took steps to clear himself in the future that he has not done such ‘prediction’ with the discretion of the movement of incidents not favouring him. And accordingly, in 2009, Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Division at Puttaparthy published Howard Murphet’s “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas. Edition” as “Sai Inner Views and Insights” [ISBN 978-81-7208-673-2 (figure 6)] removing the 10th chapter, “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” (figure 7). Besides this, from ‘Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” published in 1996, the 3rd paragraph in page 39 of the 6th chapter “He has Come Again”, “During an interview in 1987, Sai Baba revealed to Nalin Sedera, a young Sri Lankan man, that he was infact, Vivekananda reborn” (figure 8). And also the 2nd paragraph in page 40 of the same chapter,” Two things stirred the interest and excitement of the crowds outside the mandir that day. They heard that Nalin Sedera was Vivekananda and many followed him”.(figure 9) was also removed and the publications Division of Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust published ‘Sai Inner Views and Insights’ (ISBN 978-81-7208-673-2), (figure 10).
(Figure 6) The cover page of the book “Sai Inner Views and Insights” published by Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Division in 2009 as own Indian edition of “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” written by Howard Murphet and published by Leela Press, America in 1996. But Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust removed the 10th Chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” in their book.
(Figure 7) The ‘Contents’ page of the book “Sai Inner Views and Insights” (see figure 6). Verify the fabricated changes of serial number (1-19) with (Figure 2 & 5) to hide the removal of 10th Chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda”.(Figure 8) The highlighted part shown is the description made by Sathya Sai Baba in 1987 about the rebirth of Swamy Vivekananda as Nalin Sedera, a young Sri Lankan man from ‘He Has Come Again’ (6th chapter, page 39 of Howard Murphet’s book “Sai inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” published by Leela Press, USA in 1996).(Figure 9) The highlighted part shown is the description made by Sathya Sai Baba in 1987 about the rebirth of Swamy Vivekananda as Nalin Sedera, a young Sri Lankan man from ‘He Has Come Again’ (6th chapter, page 40 of Howard Murphet’s book “Sai inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” published by Leela Press, USA in 1996).
(Figure 10) The highlighted part shown here is from page 64 of the book “Sai Inner Views and Insights” published by Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust Publications Divisions at Puttaparthi in 2009, is different from the same content [” During an interview in 1987….Vivekananda reborn” (Figure 8) and “Two things stirred….many followed him” (Figure 9) ] published in pages 39 & 40 of “Sai inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” in 1996, Leela Press, USA, when compared.In 1987, Sathya Sai Baba informed Vivekananda has reborn in Sri Lanka. Howard Murphet took it as divine wisdom and wrote the book,” Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition.” (Leela Press published in 1996 for Rs.200/-), later in 2009, while Sathya Sai Baba was alive, the said book was published in the same name as”Sai Inner Views and Insights” by Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust differently for Rs.30/-, but there they removed “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” (10th chapter) and Sathya Sai Baba’s ‘prediction’ that Nalin Sedera is the rebirth of Vivekananda from pages 39 & 40 of the 6th chapter. The Trustee Board members cannot say it was done without the knowledge of Sathya Sai Baba. As Sathya Sai Baba understood the seriousness of his false ‘prediction’ about the reincarnation of Swami Vivekananda, the historical person; he could have sincerely apologized for the mistake of removal done when he published Howard Murphet’s book.
(Figure 11) “Sai Inner Views and Insights. Overseas Edition” written by Howard Murphet and published by Leela Press in 1996 was later published by Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust in 2009, removing the 10th Chapter “The Rebirth of Vivekananda” in the same name as “Sai Inner Views and Insights” [ISBN 978-81-7208-673-2 (figure 6)] for Rs.30 invoice of the book purchased.
If a person thinks himself great and if he assumes that many people believe and worship him, if a person tries to make himself acceptable to others by giving free gifts and even if one spreads his organization and movements all over the world, the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvvadhikari) and Supreme Preceptor (ParamGuru) Lord Shiva and the Supreme Protection Authority (Samrakshanadhikari) Lord Vishnu without disclosing the facts, clarifies us the depth of the fall of such imperious persons.
Sathya Narayana Raju alias Sathya Sai Baba hoped in vain, that, after his samadhi at the age of 96 in 2021 and until Prem Sai reincarnates, the reincarnation of Swami Vivekananda would manage the institutions as divine service; I, who came as Vivekananda devoted to Lord, even now, in the name Kalki is completing the initial stage for own temple (Kalkipuri) in the birth place according to the commands of Lord Shiva, the Supreme Organizing Authority existing in Shiva loka and Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Protection Authority existing in Vishnu loka.
Sathya Sai Baba has own university which gives free education, if so, the books and other articles that claim to give self knowledge or spiritual knowledge through his advises- shouldn’t it be available at free of cost according to Sathya Sai Baba’s law?
In 2006, Kalkipuri Publication has published “Dashamavatara Kalki Charitham: Nadi Thaliyolakalil. Parvathi Parameswara Divine Conversation.”. Aadi Tamil stanzas with Malayalam meaning and translation of various 12 special chapters are there in this book. These were read during the period of 12 Feb 2004 to 26 Mar 2005. Kalkipuri Publication has published Malayalam, English, Hindi and Tamil translations of the Maha Siva Nadi Sukshmal Sukshmam (Divine secrets chapter) of Kalki in 2006. And then, in 2008, Kalkipuri Publication has published various four special chapters of Kalki like Maha Siva Nadi Sukshmal Sukshmam (Divine Secrets Chapter), Maha Siva Nadi Thulliam (Santhi Kandom- The previous incarnation chapter of world renowned Vivekananda), Maha Siva Nadi Sukshmam (Santhi Kandom- The previous incarnation chapter of world renowned Vivekananda), The previous incarnation chapter of world renowned Vivekananda (Koushika Nadi- Santhi Kandom) with Aadi Tamil stanzas and its malayalam meanings, explanation & translation. All these are included in Kalki Purana.
In ancient times, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi the fact, that Kalki is the rebirth of Vivekananda, which the sages like Agastya and Visvamithra had seen in their meditation and wrote it on palm leaves in Sanskrit language. Later on Thanjavur King, Sharabhoji II with the help of scholars translated to Aadi Tamil language, called Nadi Palm Leaves. The publication of stanzas from these Nadi Palm Leaves with its prose translation in various languages has become the most important moments in the mission of Kalki incarnation.
Kalki will win the Kalkipuri Plot Case -Lord Shiva. Kalki won on 16 Aug 2008.
From Kalki Purana Divine Secrets Chapter by Agastya. In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi, Kalki will win the Kalkipuri Plot case. Original Sanskrit Palm Leaves are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves.
Aadi Tamil Stanzas with English Prose Translation
Sikkalathu Aathivazhi Thelivumkittum. (1):18:3.)
Sikkalath=problems (case), Aathivazhi= of own property, Thelivumkittum= will be solved favourably.
In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi, Kalki will win the Kalkipuri Plot case. As per Lord’s decision, it happened on 16 Aug 2008, Kalki won the Kalkipuri plot case.
In 2003, during the construction of the Dome of Kalkipuri Temple, one family member (elder son of father’s second elder brother) tried to grab and got a stay order from the court with a fabricated document (No.1720/2001) to stop the dome work of Kalkipuri Temple. On 16th Aug 2008, Kalki won the case [123/2003 & 26/2007 (206/2003]. The total extension of Kalkipuri plot is only 58.472 cents . On 7th March 2013 obtained the building permit for the Dome construction of Kalkipuri Temple and renewed it.
This Video recorded on 16th Nov 2004 from the Nadi Office of A. Sivasamy, S/o V.S.Arulsiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil, Nagai (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India.
Kalkipuri Temple: Dome works 2016
Kalkipuri Temple: Opening: 3am-10pm.
Irrespective of caste, religion, sex, age and nativity, devotees can come with cleanliness and pray.
About Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves
In the ancient time, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi about several people living nowadays which the sages like Agastya, Vishvamitra and Vasishta had seen in their meditation and wrote it clearly in Sanskrit language according to the Lord’s command. Later, Thanjavur King Sharabhoji II (Serfoji 1777-1832) with the help of scholars translated it to Aadi Tamil language and named as Nadi Astrology. Thereafter, though the Britishers acquired possession of these Nadi Palm Leaves, they sold it to some families. Now these Nadi Palm Leaves are available. Nadi Palm Leaves are stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu. Read More
Devakarya Unique Worship. Kalki says “Lords (Devankal) doesn’t need anything from anybody because Parabrahma by self, perfectly allows everything in Jyothirmandal (celestial sphere) so Devankal doesn’t need anything from devotees. Even devotion is the need of devotees. It is the right and necessity of devotees to get blessings and protection from Lords (Devankal). By divinity, Kalkipuri Temple is a performing system with micro level execution to connect to the Lords (Devankal) and it is a connectivity with recharging facility like mobile tower. Devotees can come, pray and go only at the temple. This is the purpose of the temple. Offerings (Vazhipadukal) are not allowed and must know that devotees have an opportunity to participate within their capabilities for the day to day expenses of the temple only. The chanting of mantra, Om Shreem BrahmaDeva ShivaDeva VishnuDeva Namaha is for the continuous remembrance of Lords (DevaSmarana). When the same words are repeated continuously in its correct form, it remains in the memory with importance.” Read More
From Kalki Purana Divine Secrets Chapter by Agastya. In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva said, Kalki realized Me and Parvathi Devi with our complete blessings. Original Sanskrit Palm Leaves are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves. READ MORE
This video recorded on 16th Nov 2004 from the Nadi Office of A. Sivasamy, S/o V.S.Arulsiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil, Nagai (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India.
About Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves
In the ancient time, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi about several people living nowadays which the sages like Agastya, Vishvamithra and Vasishta had seen in their meditation and wrote it clearly in Sanskrit language according to the Lord’s command. Later, Thanjavur King Sharabhoji II (Serfoji 1777-1832) with the help of scholars translated it to Aadi Tamil language and named as Nadi Astrology. Thereafter, though the Britishers acquired possession of these Nadi Palm Leaves, they sold it to some families. Now these Nadi Palm Leaves are available. Nadi Palm Leaves are stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu. More Details
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