“In Devakarya (Hinduism) there is only unique worship, no castes and discriminations. Devotees pray only directly to Lords (Devankal). Temple is only for that purpose. Real Temple Entry Proclamation.” – Kalki. Om Shreem BrahmaDeva ShivaDeva VishnuDeva Namaha.
Kalkipuri Temple: Opening: 3am-10pm. Irrespective of caste, religion, sex, menses, *pula, age, colour and nativity devotees can come with cleanliness and walk on 18 steps to prayer hall (Prarthana Mandapam) of Kalkipuri Temple (Prayer Room of Kalki) and pray only with good intention for blessings and protection from the Lords (Devankal).
Hinduism (Devakarya): Unique Worship
Deities to be worshipped in Kalkipuri are the Supreme Genetic Authority (Janithkadhikari) Lord Brahma (BrahmaDeva), the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) and the Supreme Preceptor (Param Guru) Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva), the Supreme Protection Authority (Samrakshanadhikari) Lord Vishnu (VishnuDeva) existing in the light form in celestial spheres Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka are formed from Parabrahma (Sarva = The Whole) by self (Swayambhoo). The words Devankal (to Lords), Devakaryam (Lords Matter- things pertaining to Lords), DevaVargam (Lords Race), Devahitham (Lords Rules), Devabhagam (belongs to Lords), Devanmar (Lords), DevaSmarana (continuous remembrance of Lords) intend the above mentioned only. The most important rule of worship in Kalkipuri Temple is that devotees can come and pray only with good intention for blessings and protection from the Lords (Devankal) without any discrimination of caste, religion, gender etc. “Only if allows’’ is the most important rule of Devakarya.
Lords (Devankal) doesn’t need anything from anybody because Parabrahma by self, perfectly allows everything in Jyothirmandal (celestial sphere) so Devankal doesn’t need anything from devotees. Even devotion is the need of devotees. It is the right and necessity of devotees to get blessings and protection from Lords (Devankal). By divinity, Kalkipuri Temple is a performing system with micro level execution to connect to the Lords (Devankal) and it is a connectivity with recharging facility like mobile tower. Devotees can come, pray and go only at the temple. This is the purpose of the temple. Offerings (Vazhipadukal) are not allowed and must know that devotees have an opportunity to participate within their capabilities for the day to day expenses of the temple only. The chanting of mantra, Om Shreem BrahmaDeva ShivaDeva VishnuDeva Namaha is for the continuous remembrance of Lords (DevaSmarana). When the same words are repeated continuously in its correct form, it remains in the memory with importance.
Idol: Installed by Kalki and it is not for worship. Devotees can pray directly in silence only with good intention to Lords (Devankal) in Supreme Positions existing in Jyothirmandal (celestial sphere) in light form without mediators, without praise, without giving anything to satisfy as per human assumption, without worshipping humans and other species of this planet, without worshipping anything with body which is made of five elements (Panchabhootha) in the name of DevaVarga (Lords Race) and without assuming any figures. This is the most important rule of worship in Kalkipuri Temple. New Model Insect Free Oil Lamp (Patent Pending Application No. 201841003006. International Application No. PCT/IN2019/050054. Design Patent Protected and its first model Design Patent No.225592) is used in Kalkipuri Temple.
How to Use Kalkipuri Insect Free Oil Lamps
When a specific amount reaches in Bhandaram as deposit for the security of the temple and after completing the construction, then every year only within a specific period with date and time (e.g. Nov-Dec) devotees shall be informed through news and media that they have an opportunity to dedicate in Bhandaram as their prayer for the day to day expenses of the temple. The decision that the amount should be only for temple expenses have much importance. This is the final decision of Kalki about Kalkipuri Temple.
Parabrahma (Sarva=The Whole) that which is all, perfection, independent and Supreme Organizing Authority and so there is only Parabrahma nothing else. There is no need to pray and worship Parabrahma because no differentiation, exists as creation by self. Self-clarification is suitable. Parabrahma is existing as creation by self in the layer of difference (bhinnam enna thalam) of Parabrahma. Theoretically, the essence of creation is, ‘We’ the Parabrahma that which is All with Supreme Organizing Authority exists as ‘I’ with limited power by self.
Supreme Genetic Authority Lord Brahma (BrahmaDeva), Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva) and Supreme Protector Lord Vishnu (VishnuDeva) in the light form (not made of five elements) in celestial spheres (Jyothirmandal) Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka respectively with their consort and co-workers Saraswathi Devi, Parvathi Devi and Lakshmi Devi, created from Parabrahma by self and exist only for official duty [Genetic. Organize. Protect. (G.O.P.)]. The words Devimar, Devathakal (Lordess) intend the above mentioned only. There is no need of special worship for Lordess (Devimar, Devathakal). The real photos of Lords and Lordesses in light form (not made of five elements – Panchaboothathmakamalla) are not available on this Earth.
Always Devankal (to Lords) only have the supreme authority to decide and execute which devotee should be blessed. Neither the one who established the temple nor the one who manages the temple or others have authority to interfere. The purpose of the temple management is only to obey the perfectness in Devakarya. Human beings do not have the rights and permission to receive money, wealth in advance as offerings from anyone for getting solutions from Devankal (to Lords).
Not to disgrace is the real grace.
The prayers with good intention which is needed for living will only be fulfilled with the execution of welfare nation through welfare ruling by the supreme position Ruler for Devakarya (Lords Matter) as per Devahitham (Lords Rules).
Idol installed by Kalki . This Temple is situated at Kalkipuri (with a plot extension of 58.472 cents) owned by Kalki in the birth place. The building permit for dome construction was obtained on 7th March 2013 and renewed it. Dome works started on 5 Feb 2016 and completed on 8 July 2016. Completion plan submitted on 3 Aug 2016 and approved by Vazhakkad Grama Panchayath on 8 Sep 2016. During the process, submitted Structural Stability Certificate by Dr. Shine. C. Chinnan. Ph.D ( https://www.facebook.com/Shine-builders-120711364742644/ | shinebuilders.com) as per the rules. Draftsman: Biju P.P. Insect free bronze oil lamp (Design Patent No.225592) is used in the Temple.
Do not enter into the temple compound using drugs and liquor. Smoking is prohibited.
Kalkipuri Temple Idol Installation Day: Vrishchik Swathi (15th Lunar asterism), between November and December. Idol installed by Kalki.
No offerings (Vazhipadukal) in the Temple (Donations, DD, MO, Cheque etc. shall not be accepted). Only one Bhandaram (repository/treasury).
No circumambulation (Pradakshinam-walk round the temple). Oil, camphor, ashes, flowers, garland etc. are not received.
Pooja is not done for anybody. Insect free oil lamps Patent Pending. Regd. Design Patent Nos. 225592, 301639 & 306090-001) are used in the Kalkipuri Temple.
Real Temple Entry Proclamation in Hinduism (Devakarya)
All devotees are allowed to enter and pray at temple.
“There is no prohibition in praying to Lords at hospitals, house where death has happened and in menses period but when praying from a built structure known as temple, it become polluted and is a strange argument with evil intention.”
– Kalki
*Pula: Some people believe it as customary pollution which lasts for a few days following a birth and death in the family that prevents one’s entry to temple.
In Devakarya (Hinduism), a person has freedom to accept or criticize, believe or disbelieve. Always honour the fundamental right of a person to decide which is the best for his benefit after thorough learning. Compelling would never become useful. One should learn, accept and obey for oneself. Then only it can be established sincerely. If it is changed as religion, then it will become dangerous. Individuals will try to become controllers. Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva) is the Supreme Preceptor (ParamGuru), not humans. Humans can be honoured, respected and can be seen as teachers but should not be worshipped with dedication. When we recognize and limit every individual according to their positions then many risks can be avoided and will not go misguided. We can pray for blessings and protection directly from Devankal (Lords). No need of mediators. This is best for the uplifting of soul.
The base for the uplifting of soul is through dedication to Devankal (Lords), self-sincerity, good intention and the completion of one’s own duty as per position.
“If the original idol and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are available, then will the present portraits and idols made by several artists and sculptures with different image, face, physical structures and colour be accepted?”
– Kalki
From an ocean of innumerable people, how can one man be distinguished from another? Though the general outward appearance may be the same, each individual has a distinct face, shape, structure, finger prints etc. It is only a universal truth that these factors differentiate one from another.
Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are the 7th and 8th incarnations of Lord Vishnu. But at the same time kings and humans. During their times also there were talented artists and sculptors. But the original statues and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not available now. So the artists used their imagination and portrayed in different forms, colours etc. as Sree Rama and Sree Krishna.
If the original idol and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are available, then will the present portraits and idols made by several artists and sculptures with different image, face, physical structures and colour be accepted?
If so then, is it that tough to mutilate the real history of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna by adding contemptuous and imagined stories?
The real portrait of Gandhiji is available now then there is no need to draw any picture of his from one’s own imagination and imagine as it is of Gandhiji, if so done then it will be a real disgrace for him.
It is contemptuous to think that Lords (Devi Devanmar) couldn’t attain progression in this era of modern technology than humans. The Supreme Genetic Authority (Jenithakadhikari) Lord Brahma, the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) and Suprem Preceptor (ParamGuru) Lord Shiva, the Supreme Protection Authority (Samrakshanadhikari) Lord Vishnu exists in lightform (Prakasha Swaroopa) in the self enlightened celestial sphere Shiva loka, Vishnu loka and Brahma loka (Jyothir Mandal). They allow blessings based on the belief, devotion, qualification and worthiness of human beings made of five elements (Panchabhoothatmaka shareeram) on this earth (Vayu Mandal). The Jyothir Mandal Shiva loka, Vishnu loka and Brahma loka are quite far from this earth (Vayu Mandal). Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma are in the light form (Prakasha Swaroopa), not made of five elements (Panchabhoothatmaka) and they exist in Shiva loka, Vishnu loka and Brahma loka with most advanced technological progression which is unattainable by human. The devotees themselves have ignored this reality and it is impractical to think that the Lords still use weapons like sword, trident and bludgeon even in this modern scientific age.
How to Use Kalkipuri Insect Free Oil Lamps
Renaissance of Hinduism (Devakarya – Lords matter). Kalki is the inventor of Insect Free Oil Lamps (Patent Pending & Design Patent protected) for the Renaissance of Devakarya (Hinduism – Sanathana Dharma) as per Lords Rules (Davahitham). Kalki obtained two design patents for Insect Free Oil Lamp (Design Patent No.225592) and Bronze Conch (Design Patent No.225593) from Indian Patent Office, Kolkata on 16 & 18 June 2010 [See Page Nos. 40 (2888) & 41 (2889) of Indian Patent Office Journal (Design) 11 Feb 2011 ].
Nadi Astrology Nadi Palm Leaves are written by great sages like Agastya, Vishvamitra, Vasishta etc. stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, India. it is the scientific way to know whether you are included or not in the special list of devotees by the Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva. The divine words of Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva) exist as historical evidences to prove that the phenomenons of universe are not incidentally happening but by pre-planned execution.
Are you included in the special list of devotees to Lords (Devankal) beyond caste and religion ? Is your worship acceptable to Lords?
In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva revealed to this planet Earth about the science of the journey of soul through birth and rebirth without considering materialism, spirituality and religion written by Sages Agastya, Vishvamitra (Koushika), Vasishta etc. Original Sanskrit palm leaves by Sages are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves and Nadi Astrology.
“Official action to prevent Nadi Palm Leaves as a business.
Those who blessed by their Nadi Palm Leaves, it is their right to read freely, government must take action to provide sufficient salary to eligible Nadi Readers (those who studied Aadi Tamil language deeply). But government should not undertake Nadi Palm Leaves. Government should honour and provide security with financial support to the present holders (owners) of the Nadi Palm Leaves.”
– Kalki
“Original Photos of our great sages like Agastya, Vishvamitra, Vasishta etc. are not available now.”
– Kalki
“Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves are the Most Important Miracle of this World which Reveal the Secrets of Metempsychoses”
– Kalki
Aadi Tamil stanzas written in ancient Nadi Palm Leaves.
Nadi Palm Leaves, also known as Nadi Astrology is a great miracle of the World. In ancient times, in Shiva loka, the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi about several people taking birth during this period. Great sages like Agastya, Vishvamitra, Vasishta etc. had seen in meditation from earth and wrote it clearly in Sanskrit language on palm leaves according to the Lord’s command. Later, Thanjavur King Sharabhoji II (1777-1832) with the help of scholars translated the original Sanskrit palm leaves to Aadi Tamil language and named as Nadi palm leaves and Nadi Astrology. Thereafter destroyed the original Sanskrit palm leaves. Afterwards though the Britishers acquired its possession and they sold it to some families. Now these are available as Nadi Palm Leaves, stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, India.
Are you included in the special list of devotees to Lords (Devankal) beyond caste and religion ? Is your worship acceptable to Lords?
Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, India is the storing centre of ancient Nadi Palm Leaves which is the Aadi Tamil translation of original Sanskrit by great Sages like Agatsya, Koushika etc. it is the scientific way to know whether you are included or not in the special list of devotees by the Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva. The divine words of Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva) exist as historical evidences to prove that the phenomenons of universe are not incidentally happening but by pre-planned execution.
In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva revealed to this planet Earth about the science of the journey of soul through birth and rebirth without considering materialism, spirituality and religion written by Sages Agastya, Vishvamitra (Koushika), Vasishta etc. Original Sanskrit palm leaves by Sages are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves and Nadi Astrology.
“Not to disgrace is the real grace.”
– Kalki
Thanjavur King Sharabhoji II (1777-1832) with the help of scholars translated to Aadi Tamil language, also named as Nadi Palm Leaves and Nadi Astrology. They did many additions and changed to common astrological manner including mantra-tantra for getting solutions and made it heinous, Sharabhoji II and his men who tried to make the Lord’s command to be misunderstood by making it as a business property, also destroyed the original Sanskrit palm leaves so that the false details cannot be identified examining the original palm leaves.
Sharabhoji II and his men classified the divine conversations of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi into various chapters like Maha Shiva Nadi Thulliam, Sukshmam, Sukshmal sukshmam Jnana Ashi, Pothuvinsevai Kandom. Also, they created palm leaves in the name of sages like Agastya, Vishvamithra alias Koushika, Vasishta, Bhrigu etc. Afterwards though the Britishers acquired its possession and they sold it to some families. Now these are available as Nadi Palm Leaves, stored at Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, India.
In the beginning there was only the palm leaves with divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi written in Sanskrit language. Nowadays the ancient Sanskrit palm leaves are spreaded as Nadi Astrology and Nadi Palm leaves. Actually, the original Sanskrit palm leaves written by Agastya, Vishvamitra, Vasishta etc. was the universal court order of Lord Shiva’s divine commands about this world.
‘Get in proper time’, ‘search and come by self in proper time’ are the meanings of the word ‘Nadi’ in Tamil.
Bundles of ancient Nadi Palm Leaves from the archives of Nadi Reader A. Sivasamy, S/o. Late. V.S. Arusiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil.
There are many stanzas in a chapter. Each stanza consists of four lines with three words in each line. The third word of the fourth line of a stanza is taken as the first word of the first line of next stanza to combine the context. Aadi Tamil language (old Tamil- Chenthamizhu) is quite tough and short but has deep meanings. The details of several people is included in a bundle of Nadi Palm leaves. There are many such bundles. Usually numbers are also used in words. For e.g. ‘Veda’ means ‘Four’.
Nadi reader’s way of reading out the details like date of birth, name, star, planetary position, parent’s name, age while reading the leaf etc. after examining the palm leaf bundles with the given thump impression only is quite remarkable. Gents should give their right and ladies should give the left thump impression.
The details of many people born nowadays are found in Nadi Palm Leaves written by the ancient sages. Hindu’s are classified according to the castes. For e.g. Namboothiri as Munkulam or Kulam Nantraay, Nair or the one next to Namboothiri, i.e Munkulathil Pinkulam or Kulamum Pinmel. Christians as Yeshu Vargam, Muslims as Nabi Vargam. All these are clearly written in Nadi Palm leaves.
On 4 July 2013, Nadi Reading of Maha Shiva Nadi Political Chapter of Kalki from the Nadi Office of A. Sivasamy, S/o..Late V.S. Arulsiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil.On 16 Nov 2004, Nadi Reading of Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmal Sukshma Kandom (Divine Secrets Chapter) of Kalki from the Nadi Office of A. Sivasamy, S/o..Late V.S. Arulsiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil.
For e.g. In the Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmam palm leaf of the father of Kalki, “Kulam Nantraay Mahanpirrappaay (3.2)” (born in a good community or Namboothiri community), ‘Tohukkatan Ramakirittinan Mahantanakk (5:2) (Son’s name is Ramakrishnan), “Kuraikka Damodaran Attanakk (5:3)” (Father’s name is Damodaran- Kizhakkumbatt Illath Damodaran Namboothirippad), “Kalyani AnnaiAval SaradaThaaram (5:4)” (Mother’s name is Kalyani. That means, the grandfather was in namboothiri caste (brahmin) and grandmother was in nair caste. Later, Kalki’s grandfather had married another namboothiri women and had children. Sarada is his wife’s name.) is also written in the Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmam palm leaf of the mother of Kalki. “Kulamum Pinmel (2:1:3)” (Nair caste or the one next to Namboothiri community), “Koore Mahal Saradaave Entrusolle (7:4)” (the daughter is called as Sarada), “Sollathan cherunni Nairtaane(8:1)” (Father’s name is Cherunni Nair. It is noted that with the name of the father of Kalki’s mother, the name of the caste is also given), “(Sirrappudane Kalyani Annaikand(8:2)” (Mother’s name is Kalyani), “ Nallathoru Ramakiruttina Kaantanahe ((8:3)” (Husband is Ramakrishnan).These were also given to know whose palm leaf is being read.
Lord Shiva informed about the caste and religion for the clarification of the social state of this period. It was not to approve comparatively the better one among the caste and religion. Before a period of a thousand years, Lord Shiva had informed including the name of caste and religion to clarify how would be the way of living of the people in the present period.
In the Maha Shiva Nadi Divine Secrets chapter (Sukshmal Sukshma Kandom) of Kalki, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi, “Shathimatham Kadanthuthaan Yehamentre(1):8:4. Yehamentre Vilankidume Karunayaale (1):9:1” (By My blessings, Kalki exists in Oneness beyond caste and religion) which means, Lord Shiva do not encourage caste and religion,but had clearly intimated about the existing heinous state. Also indicates here about the important duty to be executed in the mission of the 10th incarnation (Dashamavatar).
“We want humanity and welfare nation, not caste and religion”
It is the prime duty of the translator to preserve the original book. If there is any sort of difference in the translation from the original book or to identify the faults due to the ignorance of the translator, definitely the original book should be preserved.
If the original Sanskrit palm leaves were partially destroyed then the mentioned matters could have been written likewise in the new palm leaves in Sanskrit language and preserved. If the original Sanskrit palm leaves were not clear then it would have been impossible to translate to Aadi Tamil language. If the original book is destroyed, the translated one only will be available. Then it is impossible to identify with the common knowledge about the different matters that had been included apart from the original palm leaves. The common people not knowing such evil intentions of the translators would see the translation as the original. Hence, if there is fault in the translation that would be considered as the fault or ignorance of the real informer.
Lord Shiva is the Supreme Preceptor (Param Guru) and the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) existing in Shiva loka, one of the important luminaries. All that informed by Him would never err. But those who named His commands as Nadi Astrology and translated to Aadi Tamil language had mutilated it by adding several false details, so, in case of some people, there occurs the situation of unbelievable state regarding their future details in the Nadi Palm leaves now available. Lord Shiva has the authority and power to solve any sins related to this universe.
Lord Shiva has the complete Supreme Power to solve any sins as per his decision without medium and to give suitable punishment in necessary situations. No medium means no need of any rituals for solutions. The commands of the Supreme Organizing Authority Lord Shiva is itself the great solution.
The Supreme Organizing Authority Lord Shiva and the Supreme Protection Authority Lord Vishnu have no need to solve anybody’s sin through the order of performing rituals. Any action done for the solution is to please the Supreme Organizing Authority Lord Shiva and the Supreme Protection Authority Lord Vishnu, and then if the Lord’s say they need worships and other practices to execute solutions,it is like presenting a wealthy man as poor,which in turn becomes the cause for condemnation of Lord’s through wrong propagation.
Sharabhoji II and his associates mutilated the great miracle of the world by adding many false and despicable matters with costly ritual practices for solutions, instead of informing the Lord’s command which reminds us that the good and bad deeds of the past birth follow as favourable and unfavourable experiences. Also they spoiled the world’s great miracle without informing the people about the good intentions of Lord Shiva, Parvathi Devi and the sages.
For Lord’s pleasing one has to live peacefully with good intention and purity in the path of virtue according to each and every position with precision in family and country and by doing their responsibilities and obligations as duty without selfishness (actually this was informed by Lord Shiva and the same was written by saints in the original Sanskrit palm leaves), instead of informing this, those, who added in Aadi Tamil translation that the solutions can be attained by performing worships, talisman etc. only, had disgraced Lord Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu existing in the Lightform in Jyothirmandal (the most important luminary), quite far from this earth, who actually do not need anything from the people (devotees). The only thing informed in the original Sanskrit palm leaves was to live with pure devotion.
How can the parents receive rewards in return from their children ? It is impossible for the actual parents. Sharabhoji II, the present owners of Nadi Palm leaves, Nadi readers and all related to it, changed the facts as if the Supreme Organizing Authority and the Supreme Preceptor, Lord Shiva who has given us air, water, body, parents, understanding or recognition and above all everything in the nature, has to exist with the savings earned from reading Nadi Palm leaves and performing the remedial solutions.
They are doing the business with a fixed price for each chapter separately. The present owners of Nadi Palm leaves charge very high for reading the palm leaves. A common man becomes penniless on getting the first chapter read, namely General chapter. If we have no money they will not read out other chapters. The greed for money like the profiteers have is leading the owners of the Nadi Palm leaves as well as the readers. They had even formed Trust and for a show gives free mass feeding, clothes, school facilities and also exhibits the photos of these functions with adequate effort to create misunderstandings that these are social services. There is no other social service than making it affordable to any common man by reducing the charges for reading out the Nadi Palm leaves. Some are not just Nadi Palm leaf readers, but they even do predictions. There are also some who cause to circulate that they have divinity and they predict with their divine power. Anyone who knows Aadi Tamil language can read the Nadi Palm leaves. Nadi reader’s duty is only to read. We need only the correct meanings of the Aadi Tamil words. Even Nadi reader’s explanations could be fault. Nadi readers are just common people and if they come in the role of Lord Shiva and Agastya Maharshi, it would cause only harm instead of goodness.The present owners of Nadi Palm leaves are using it as a good source of income. India’s everlasting ancient culture which is like a book where Nadi Palm leaves are historical records written in golden letters, are deformed as a means of income and this pitiable sight would no doubt make any person very upset.
India had suffered several foreign invasions which were always executed by the pre-planned operations. But most of the Indians believe that these were done by Lord’s decision. In the same manner, we are compelled to accept the presently available Nadi Palm leaves in Aadi Tamil language with its faults. Ultimately, without Lord Shiva’s decision these faults in the translations will not happen and with this belief, we should attain protection from the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) Lord Shiva and the Supreme Protection Authority (Samrakshnadhikari) Lord Vishnu.
Even though the Nadi Palm leaves are misused for financial benefits and exploitation of beliefs, this opportunity is used to express gratitude to the present owners for preserving it. Our special thanks to Nadi Reader A. Sivasamy, S/o. Late. V.S. Arulsiva Arumugam and other Nadi readers for preserving the Nadi Palm leaves.
Nadi Reader A. Sivasamy with Amit Shah. A.Sivasamy, S/o.Late. Arulsiva Arumugam is one of owners of original Maha Shiva Nadi Palm Leaves.
Real Intention
Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi about Kalki Purana and the details of several people taking birth nowadays and commanded the great saints like Agastya and Visvamithra to write it on palm leaves. This was to arrange the platform to complete the official execution of Kalki incarnation, the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu’s ten incarnations pertaining to Lord. As the time for the official execution of Kalki incarnation or the time of the advent of Kalki incarnation and the history of previous incarnations would be made unclear and difficult, Lord Shiva prepares the platform to complete the mission successfully as Kalki incarnation through the real Kalki Purana. Lord Shiva had informed what is proper in the ancient time itself and made it documented by the saints and announced the time of the advent of Kalki incarnation to the world. That is the real Kalki Purana.
Kalki Purana written by Agastya and Vishvamitra
In Bharatha, nowadays there are two mediums to prove the divinity in a person.
1. Astrology
Well- experienced astrologers inform the things revealed in the astrological thinking related to divinity. Devaprashnam is related to what is auspicious with divinity and Swarnaprashnam is related to family. But in the Swarnaprashnam and Thamboolaprashnam in Astrology related to family, if an individual or individual’s divinity is clearly revealed, then that becomes Devaprashnam. In astrology also several additions had been done as solutions and Devi, Devans in various forms. Read More
Historical moments from Astrology held in 2003 which proved the limitless eternal divinity is inborn in Kalki.
2. Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves
The details of several people born nowadays were written in ancient Nadi Palm Leaves by sages like Agastya Maharshi, Koushika, Vasishta etc. Nadi Palm Leaves are stored at Vaiteeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu. Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves are the most important miracle that the world has ever achieved. Date of birth, star, planetary position, age while reading the palm leaf, caste, religion, parents name, education, job and the past births of several people born in the modern age are clearly informed in the divine conversations of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi.This is also an important historical evidence about the previous and future births. Read More
Historical moments from Nadi Palm Leaves read in 2004 which proved Kalki is the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu from the divine words of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi written by great sage Agastya.
Published in Newspapers and Magazines
Given below is that published about ancient Nadi Palm leaves (Nadi Astrology) in various news media and the website of Tamil Nadu Tourism Department.
Sree Krishna says “If the hand of the husband is amputated, then is it chastity for the wife also to self-amputate her hand to show respect to her husband? Is it an exemplary act?”
Gandhari was the princess of Gandhara and the wife of Dhritarashtra, the blind King of Hastinapur, and the mother of Duryodhana, Dushasana etc.
Kalki Revealed in Kalki Bhagawan Yugadharma Magazine (R.N.E6 – 37523/98. Not currently being published.), Malayalam monthly, in the year 2000. Paperback published in 2008. Thereafter, published in Janmabhumi Daily on 21 Sep 2010. Read original Malayalam.
Gandhari Never Blindfolded Her Eyes After the First Meeting with Sree Krishna. Kalki Revealed.
Gandhari saw Sree Krishna, the 8th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, for the first time in Hasthinapuri. Though she had heard a lot about Krishna, it was the first time she was meeting him. Being an ardent devotee of Sree Krishna, the noble Gandhari received him with great warmth. She herself paved the way for their conversation.
Krishna asked, “Ma Gandhari, how will you see us if you blindfold yourself?” Gandhari was perplexed.
Sree Krishna continued.
“How could you serve your husband and fulfil your marital duties if you are sightless?”
“How could you contribute to administrative matters? Shouldn’t you help him in taking care of the well-being of his subjects?”
“If you cover your eyes, will you be able to fulfil your motherly duties? Won’t you yourself become dependent on others?”
“A chaste woman is one who serves her husband with devotion. For that, she should have sound health which includes proper vision. If she is blind, tired or handicapped in anyway, how could she look after her husband?”
“If the husband’s hand is amputated, to show respect should the wife amputate her own hand? Is that the right model of chastity?”
“If the husband falls sick, should the wife also feign the same sickness instead of taking care of him?”
“If the husband is blind, it is the wife’s sight that should eradicate his blindness; that way, he would be blessed in getting a wife who can see. But on the other hand, if the wife who should look after her husband blindfolds herself, would she be considered as a noble wife? She will have to resort to other people to look after her husband. Actually, it is the right and duty of a wife to serve her husband by herself. How could she fulfil it through a servant? Is it not against all ethics?”
“When the husband, though blind, becomes a King, the wife is elevated to the position of Queen. But if she opts to remain blind, how could she give care to King and help in royal administration?”
“Eye sight is essential for looking after one’s children. So, is she not doing injustice to them by not fostering them if she opts to be blind?”
“A King and a Queen should be role models in their words and deeds. Only then the people will remain righteous.”
“Eye sight is a blesiing and most valuable fortune. One should be vain and thankless to deny such a unique blessing.”
“Don’t try to avoid the blessings of the Supreme Genetic Authority Lord Brahma, Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva and Supreme Protection Authority Lord Vishnu in light form existing in Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka respectively.”
“I will not stand with anything against dharma (equilibrium) and at this instant let me make it clear that I do not accept Gandhari blindfolding herself. It is an unforgivable mistake to continue with a practice which has been proved to be wrong. If realisation is gained, it should be accepted and followed. Logical and practical decisions based on whole-hearted devotion alone should become examples for others. Is Gandhari so proud as to deny the great fortune of the divine darshan of Me, the Eighth Incarnation of Lord VishnuDeva ?”
This flow of nectar-like words of Sree Krishna was an eye opener to Gandhari. Oh! What she had considered to be right till that moment was proved to be absolutely senseless and foolish. Why didn’t any other knowledgeable one tell her this before? Once Gandhari realised the truth, she felt disgust against all except Krishna.
“How could they reveal the truth to others if it is obscure to themselves? Instead of blaming others, one should realise their shortcomings and limitations through introspection. That is the right path and method.”
Krishna realised Gandhari’s thoughts.
She instantaneously untied her eyes and was blessed with the darshan of Lord Sree Krishna.
She prostrated and surrendered herself at his feet. After that, she did not blindfold her eyes throughout her life to deny her sight to honour her blind husband, King Dhritarashtra.
Not to disgrace is the real grace.
– Kalki
Kalki is the founder of Kalkipuri Temple, situated in the birth place, Edavannappara, Malappuram Dt. – 673645, Kerala, India. Ph: 04832724372, kalkipuri.com.
REAL KALKI PURANA BOOK. In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi about Kalki Avatar. Original Sanskrit Palm Leaves were written by great sages Agastya and Vishvamitra. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves.
Is this the right time for Kalki incarnation or has Lord Vishnu incarnated as Kalki in India now? The right and authorized answer for this question can be given only by the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) and Supreme Preceptor (Param Guru) Lord Shiva, Self independent empowered eternal divinity (Swayamboo Chaithanya), existing in the light form in Shiva loka (one of the most important Celestial sphere -Jyothirgola). Human body and other living creatures on earth are made of the five elements (Panchabhoothatmaka shareeram). But in Jyothirgola or Jyothirmandala like Shiva loka, Brahma loka and Vishnu loka are in the Light Form (Prakashaswaroopa) and not made of the five elements.
Not to disgrace is the real grace.
– Kalki
REBIRTH EVIDENCES: He was born on April 4, 1970, lived for seven days and was reborn on Dec 14, 1971
Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu: Real Facts
“Humble salutations to the Supreme Genetic Authority (Janithkadhikari) Lord Brahma (BrahmaDeva), the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) and the Supreme Preceptor (Param Guru) Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva), the Supreme Protection Authority (Samrakshanadhikari) Lord Vishnu (VishnuDeva) [for Genetic. Organize. Protect (G.O.P.)] existing in Jyothirmandal (the most important Celestial sphere) Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka in the light form (Prakashaswaroopa – not made of five elements) with limitless eternal divinity (Swayamboo Chaithanya) to sustain as per the law, Equilibrium allowed by Parabrahma (Sarvam-The Whole). Parabrahma exists as creation by self as per the law, equilibrium. Parabrahma exists as One that which is all, complete (perfect), independent and the Supreme Authority.”
– Kalki
“Original latest photos in the Light Form (Prakashaswaroopa-not made of five elements) of the Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu existing in Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka are not available here now.”
– Kalki
About Nadi Palm Leaves
Vaitheeswaran Koil in Tamil Nadu, India is the storing centre of ancient Nadi Palm Leaves which is the Aadi Tamil translation of original Sanskrit by great Sages like Agatsya, Koushika etc. it is the scientific way to know whether you are included or not in the special list of devotees by the Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor Lord Shiva. The divine words of Lord Shiva (ShivaDeva) exist as historical evidences to prove that the phenomenons of universe are not incidentally happening but by pre-planned execution.
Are you included in the special list of devotees to Lords (Devankal) beyond caste and religion ? Is your worship acceptable to Lords?
Later, Tanjavur King Sarabhoji II (Serfoji II:1777-1832) in Tamil Nadu with the help of scholars translated to Aadi Tamil (old poetic Tamil) language and named it as “Nadi Jyothidam (Nadi Astrology)”. But it is not Astrology or a part of Astrology, nor it is prediction. Actually, Nadi palm leaves are the divine commands or real Universal Court Order of the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) Lord Shiva about this earth. Each Aadi Tamil stanzas have four lines with three words in a line. Read More
Tanjavur King Sharabhoji II had created many divisions in Nadi palm leaves, such as Maha Shiva Nadi, Agastya Nadi, Koushika Nadi, Vasishta Nadi, Bhrigu Nadi, Bhokar Nadi etc. Mahashiva Nadi palm leaves are the divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi. Also there are many special chapters in Maha Shiva Nadi Palm Leaves – Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshal Sukshma (Devarahasya Kandam or Divine Secret Chapter), Thulliam, Sukshma, Gnana Aashi, Pothuvinsevai (Political) Chapters etc. Other Nadi Palm Leaves are in the name of Sages like Agastya Nadi, Koushika Nadi, Vasishta Nadi etc. Sage Vishvamitra was also known as Koushika.
These are the historical evidences with clear, solid and correct informations about several persons born in this age with correct details such as name, date of birth, star, parents name, siblings (if any), profession, present life status and problems, future, past birth, spirituality etc.
Here is giving the important Aadi Tamil stanzas from ancient Maha Shiva Nadi Palm Leaves Koushika Nadi both contain divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi about Kalki written by Agastya and divine words of Sage Koushika (Vishvamitra) respectively. English prose translation is also given here.
Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmal Sukshmam (Devarahasya Kandam), Thulliam, Sukshmam, Gnana Aashi, Pothuvinsevai (Political) are the various special chapters of Kalki. The correct details of name, date of birth, star, planetary position, parents name, caste and religion and age when the leaf is read with specific explanation of the great previous incarnations are clearly described in these chapters. These Nadi Palm Leaves were read between 12.02.2004 and 26.03.2005 respectively. Another important Maha Shiva Nadi Political chapter Palm Leaves of Kalki was read on 4th July 2013.
“Official Action to Prevent Nadi Palm Leaves as a Business. Those who blessed by their Nadi Palm Leaves, it is their right to read freely, government must take action to provide sufficient salary to eligible Nadi Readers (those who studied Aadi Tamil language deeply). But government should not undertake Nadi Palm Leaves. Government should honour and provide security with financial support to the present holders (owners) of the Nadi Palm Leaves.”
– Kalki
Kalki Purana Book
Kalki Purana by Sage Agastya
Original Sanskrit palm leaves are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves.
Note: (1):14:2:1,2,3 which means (1):=chapter in the book, 14:=stanza number, 2:= line in a stanza, 1,2,3:=words in a line. If there is a number in a bracket among the numbers given for words in a line, then that number in the bracket indicates the particular part (either the first part or the second part) of the word among the three words in a line. i.e. Ithanal ShivanMainthan Gnanamthannil (9):11:1:1(2),2,3.
Inamaanu=as all these, Devi=Parvathi Devi, yan=I, Deviyan= I Parvathi Devi, Vanankiketpen=enquires with humble worship, Embiduveer=please inform me, Nam Mainthan=our son, Nam=our, Mainthan=son, Rahasyaththe=divine secrecies, Rahasyaththe Sukshmamaay=minute divine secrecies (Sukshmal Sukshmam chapter), Arulveer Naadha =Lord! Please inform.
Parvathi Devi offers humble prayers to Lord Shiva and requests Him to inform the complete details with divine secrecies of previous incarnations and the importance of this incarnation of Our Son [ NamMainthan (1):2:4:2 ].
Lord Shiva accepts the request of Parvathi Devi and reveals the divine secrecies of Kalki.
Ihaparathil Shenithathume Bhagyankal (1):3:2
Ihaparathil=in this world, Shenithathume=born, Bhagyankal=(people) is great fortune.
His birth is a great fortune to the world. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Virodhikrithu Aandathile=Tamil year: Virodhikrithu (Malayalam year: 1147. English year: 1971), Thelinthinkal=Karthikai month (Thel) in Tamil year (Vrishchikam in Malayalam. November-December in English), thinkal=month, Irubanyen=28 (December 14), Sheyinvaram=Tuesday,Swathi Meen=star: Swathi (Chothi-15th Lunar asterism), Meen=star, MudiKaviVillu=Venus is in Sagittarius, the Ascendant (Lagna), Mudi= Ascendant (Lagna), Kavi=Venus, Villu=Sagittarius.
Date of birth: 14th December 1971. (as per Tamil calendar: 28th of Thel Month in Virodhikrithu Year and in Malayalam calendar: 28th Vrishchikam, 1147). Star: Swathi (Chothi- 15th Lunar asterism). Venus is in Sagittarius, the Ascendant (Lagna). Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi.
Mukthi Rekhai=name of the thumb impression, Sirappane=much specialities, PulliNavam=has nine dots.
The thumb impression of Kalki has specially powerful and rarely seen nine dots called Mukthi Rekhai. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
KulamumMelaay (9):5:2:3
Kulamum Melaay=hindu brahmin.
Religion and caste: Hindu Brahmin. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
In another chapter, Agastya Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmam Pothuvai Kandam of Kalki, Lord Shiva informed another name for the same special and powerful nine dots in the thumb impression of Kalki as “Keetru Rekhai” [“Mevidave Kalashavari Keetrurekhai (10):3:3. Menmaitharum Navapulli’’ (10):3:4:1,2.].
Ivanthanakku=his, Gopakumar Namamkandu=name was Gopakumar, Kandupin=after that, Akhilananda Swamiyaki=became Akhilananda Swamy, Kooridave=that being informed, innaal=at this time, Dashamavatharam Kalki= Dashamavatharam Kalki (10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu), Pooriduver=while this is informed, Ithukalathil=at this time, Kalki Bhagavan=Lord Kalki.
The previous name Gopakumar and Akhilananda Swamy were changed and the present name is Kalki. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
While reading this Nadi Palm Leaves, He is Kalki Bhagavan (Lord Kalki). Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Position: Dashamavatharam (10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu). Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
(Through the Kerala Gazette notification dated 6 July 1999 the name Gopakumar given by parents was changed with signature and accepted the name Akhilananda Swamy with new signature. Then again by Kerala Gazette notification dated 11 January 2000 the name Akhilananda Swamy with signature was changed and accepted the name Kalki with new signature. No initial. Present name: Kalki).
Here, Lord Shiva gives the present name with two previous names which is the most significant evidence for identifying this Nadi Palm Leaves. Generally, in Nadi Palm Leaves only one name is mentioned. But in this special and important Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki, Lord Shiva establishes it with historically proved evidences. The name Gopakumar given by parents is documented in the school certificate, also the name Akhilananda swamy and Kalki are documented in the Kerala Gazette (6th July 1999 and 11th Jan 2000 respectively). Later, these three names were proved historically in ancient Nadi Palm Leaves read in 2004 with the clarification of present name as Kalki. The two previous names of Kalki were real and not pet names, when used. Usually, people have pet names, but these are not official. Nadi Palm Leaves are found in bundles. In a bundle, there are details of about hundreds of people. Among those, the three names of Kalki are the scientific proof to identify the original Nadi Palm Leaves. So, Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki are not a prediction, but the science to prove the history of incarnation, reincarnation, birth, rebirth and the pre-planned executions of this Universe.
Irulneekke Vanthavane (1):27:3:1,2
Irulneekke=to remove ignorance, Vanthavane=who has come to.
Kalki has come to remove the ignorance. Lord Shiva said.
Avatharam Velippedume Enatharulaale (1):25:2
Avatharam=incarnation, Velippedume=become famous, Enatharulaale=through my divine words.
Grace and the greatness of Kalki incarnation will become famous by My divine words. Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi.
Padaiththittan=exists, Malavanum=Lord Vishnu, UnakkulEppom=now (always) inside You (Kalki), Unakkulle=inside You (Kalki), NanErukken DeviKoode=Me (Lord Shiva) and Parvathi Devi exists in You (Kalki).
Lord Vishnu with Me and Parvathi Devi are existing in You (Kalki). Lord Shiva informed directly to Kalki through these words “inside You- Unakkul and Unakkulle“.
Seerkovilum=own temple, UndithuNaal=now has, Varumulakil=in coming years in the world, Unkovil=your temple (Kalkipuri Temple), Ulakam kakkum=will protect the world, Ethukurai=sufficient, Koviludane Bhaktharmecha=very soon the (Kalkipuri) temple will prosper with devotees, Siranthonkum=in a specially increased rate, Aalayamum=in the great temple (Kalkipuri Temple), Sevaimelaay=great help, Mechumpadi=with prosperity, Amaithithadam=in a calm place, Giriyinpakkam=on the hill top, Sheelamudan=divine, Thuvakkangal Niraivumnantraay=begin in a good mannner and will be completed.
Kalki has a great temple (Kalkipuri Temple). The world will be protected by Your Temple-Kalkipuri Temple [Varumulakil Unkovil Ulakamkakkum (8):4:2.]. Kalkipuri will become famous and devotees will also increase. The great temple (Kalkipuri Temple) situated on the hill top in a calm and peaceful atmosphere (in the birth place) will become famous and attain prosperity by sincere services of all devotees especially those at higher positions. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Kalkipuri Temple Construction 2001 to 2020
Kalkipuri Temple is situated in the birth place of Kalki, Edavannappara, Malappuram Dt., Kerala, India. Devotees can come and pray only with good intention without any discrimination like caste, religion etc..
Kalkipuri Temple is situated in the birth place of Kalki, Edavannappara, Malappuram Dt., Kerala, India. Devotees can come and pray only with good intention without any discrimination like caste, religion etc..
Shaathimatham=caste and religion, Kadanthuthaan=beyond, Yehamentru=exists in oneness, Yeham Entru=in oneness, Vilankidume=will be self honoured with fame and glistening existence, Karunayale=by blessings.
Kalki exists in oneness beyond caste and religion. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Ithanmunnam=before this, Kiruttinanaay=as Lord Sree Krishna (8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu), Avatarithaay=incarnated, Paahupada=without difference, Palaleelai=different kinds of divine plays, Sheithumelaay=that which was performed several times, Paarulakil=in the world, Ariyaathor=which everyone knows, Undusholven=is being read.
Previously, Kalki incarnated as Sree Krishna (8th incarnation of Lord vishnu) and executed several moral divine activities which are still praised by devotees. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Unduthaan Sukshmankal Oraipenippam (1):10:1
Unduthaan Sukshmankal Oraipenippam=also there are several other minute divine secrecies like that is informed now.
When Kalki was Sree Krishna, there were several divine secrecies. Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi.
Udaviyathu SheithavanNee Panchalikkum (1):10:2
Udaviyathu=save (help), Sheithavan Nee=you have given, Panchalikkum=to Draupadi (wife of Arjuna only, one of the five pandavas)
You have saved Draupadi (to be the wife of Arjuna only). Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi.
When Kalki was Sree Krishna, He saved Draupadi to be the wife of Arjuna only, one of five Pandavas. Draupadi was also called as Panchali because she was the daughter of Drupada – the King of Panchala.
Ganyamaay=sincerely with justice as per rules, Athanmunnai=before that, Manithanaay=as a human, Kadamaiyathu Maaraamal Irukkavendi=how to do the responsibilities regularly, Vendithaan=to inform, Sree Raman=as Sree Rama (7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu), Avataramkondu= incarnated, Vehumsirappai=especially, Arakkarkalai=evil forces, Maithavan Nee=you have killed, Kaanappin=along with that, Thaithanthai=to parents, Thunaikalkkum=to brothers and sisters, Ganyamaay=sincerely with justice as per rules, Ottrumayaay=with unity, Kadamaimaara=sincerely doing the duties, Maaraamal=without difference, Avarkaludan=along with them, Anbaaynintraay=with unity and acceptance, Makkalellaam=people, Purunthittar=informed, Amaithiyode=all that is needed for living in peace.
Before Sree Krishna, Kalki incarnated as Sree Rama (7th incarnation of Lord Vishnu) for the fulfillment of real welfare rule. At that time, You have destructed evil forces and practically implemented the real welfare rule and proved how to do the duties and responsibilities between family members and people as per justice and morality with their position in the country. Lord Shiva informed.
Avataram Maalavanin=Lord Vishnu incarnated, Arulinaale=by the divine words, Arbhuthankil=miracles, Nihayilthave=by doing, Vivekanandan=as Swamy Vivekananda, Divyamaay Palasevai=different kinds of spiritual services, Gnanamshinthai=following the path of spirituality and wisdom, Kaalamathil=at that time, Naan Alaithen= I (Lord Shiva) called back, Athaninpinne=after that, Kalkiyenum Avataram Ithukalathil=incarnated as Kalki at this time.
Lord Vishnu took birth as Swamy Vivekananda and did several moral activities related with spirituality and temple work. At that time, I called Him back. After that, now incarnated as Kalki. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Vannamathaay=the good, Ramakrishna Sarada Eentror=Ramakrishna and Sarada are parents, Iruthunaikal Aan Pen=one brother and one sister, Manavum Kandaan=married, Kanduvarar=know that, Kadaisaayal=last son, Shinthai Melaay=great thinking power, Palamudane Nulayvum=with complete efficiency while reading the nadi palm leaves, Muppanshoolsarve=aged 33.
Parents name is Ramakrishnan and Sarada. Two siblings, one brother and one sister, both of them are married. Kalki is very efficient and last born in the family. These Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki are read at the age of thirty three. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
Parents and grandfather’s details about Kalki has specially mentioned here. In the Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmam palm leaf of the father of Kalki, “Kulam Nantraay Mahanpirrappaay (3.2)” (born in a good community or Namboothiri community), ‘Tohukkatan Ramakirittinan Mahantanakk (5:2) (Son’s name is Ramakrishnan), “Kuraikka Damodaran Attanakk (5:3)” (Father’s name is Damodaran- Kizhakkumbatt Illath Damodaran Namboothirippad), “Kalyani AnnaiAval SaradaThaaram (5:4)” (Mother’s name is Kalyani. That means, the grandfather was in namboothiri caste (brahmin) and grandmother was in nair caste. Later, Kalki’s grandfather had married another namboothiri women and had children. Sarada is his wife’s name.) is also written in the Maha Shiva Nadi Sukshmam palm leaf of the mother of Kalki. “Kulamum Pinmel (2:1:3)” (Nair caste or the one next to Namboothiri community), “Koore Mahal Saradaave Entrusolle (7:4)” (the daughter is called as Sarada), “Sollathan cherunni Nairtaane(8:1)” (Father’s name is Cherunni Nair. It is noted that with the name of the father of Kalki’s mother, the name of the caste is also given), “(Sirrappudane Kalyani Annaikand(8:2)” (Mother’s name is Kalyani), “ Nallathoru Ramakiruttina Kaantanahe ((8:3)” (Husband is Ramakrishnan).These were also given to know whose palm leaf is being read.
Lord Shiva informed about the caste and religion for the clarification of the social state of this period. It was not to approve comparatively the better one among the caste and religion. Before a period of a thousand years, Lord Shiva had informed including the name of caste and religion to clarify how would be the way of living of the people in the present period.
In the Maha Shiva Nadi Divine Secrets chapter (Sukshmal Sukshma Kandom) of Kalki, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi, “Shathimatham Kadanthuthaan Yehamentre(1):8:4. Yehamentre Vilankidume Karunayaale (1):9:1” (By My blessings, Kalki exists in Oneness beyond caste and religion) which means, Lord Shiva do not encourage caste and religion,but had clearly intimated about the existing heinous state. Also indicates here about the important duty to be executed in the mission of the 10th incarnation (Dashamavatar).
Sreemathy is Kalki’s recent Past Birth Sister
Kalki was the brother of Sreemathy in His recent Past birth in Apr 1970 and was alive only 7 days.
Kalki was Your Brother in His Recent Past Birth written in Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves of Sreemathy Read on 2 Aug 2013. Historical Evidences from Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves written by Agastya: “At present, you have no brother and sister… You had one elder brother who died within few days after the birth. Now, He, your brother has taken birth whose name is Kalki and also He is your mentor at present. In your life, many times you were helped by Kalki, your brother’s rebirth and it continues….” Written by Agastya. Divine conversation of ShivaDeva and ParvathiDevi.
Original Sanskrit palm leaves by ancient great sages are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves.
Paark makan Mun Oozham=past birth of this son being informed, Paark=that which is being informed, makan=son, Mun Oozham=past birth, Vangadeyam=Vangadesham, previous name of Bengal, one of the state in India, Baalakanum=boy, Narendra Dutta=previous name of Swamy Vivekananda given by parents, Earperkandu=the correct name, Kandupin=after that, Vivekanandan=Swamy Vivekananda, Entrumari=changed to, Kaalai Guru Guru Patniyum Eentror Naamamaahi=the preceptor and wife of preceptor had the name of the parents of this birth (Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and Sarada Devi), Vannamathaay=in a good way, Guruvazhiye=was in the path of the preceptor, Valamudane=in a good way, Valivirunthu Daanamkondu=by giving food, Palaelai=to many poor people, Udaviyathu=helped, Bhodhanaisheithu=by imparting knowledge for moral enlightenment, Balakanum=boy, Vazhnthittaan=living, Eraisevayodu-in divine service, Nalamudane Kandaalum=though in a good manner, Edaivittu=without completing, Naayakanum=Vivekananda, Sentrathanaal=since went back, Eethulthotram=this birth.
The recent past birth of Kalki was in Bengal (Vangadeyam). At that time, born as Narendra Dutta, later changed the name to Vivekananda and the name of Preceptor (Guru) and His wife (Guru Patni) are same as that of the parents in this birth. Lord Shiva said to Parvathi Devi.
(Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and Sarada Devi were Guru and Guru Patni and the parents in the present birth are Ramakrishnan and Sarada. Thus the name is same. The word ‘Sree’ is used as salutation and Paramahamsa is not a name but it is considered as a spiritual stage. Here the word ‘Devi’ is used as an honourable salutation. Real Devi and Devan exist in Jyothirgolam or Jyothirmandalam- Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi in Shiva loka, Lord Brahma and Saraswathi Devi in brahmaloka and Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi Devi in Vishnu loka in the light form (Prakashaswaroopa).
Vivekananda was the follower of His Guru and executed several moral activities to attain integration and progression for the poor people. Vivekananda constructed the temple and morally awakened the nation by divine knowledge. While involved in the divine mission, Vivekananda returned without completing. Now again, Vivekananda has reincarnated as Kalki for the completion of the divine mission.
Swamy Vivekananda is a historical person. His life and activities are proved in the history. Original Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki was written in Sanskrit language in the ancient times. This is the world miracle!
In the elaborated description of the previous incarnations of Kalki which is written in Nadi Palm Leaves proves that the names of Sree Rama, Sree Krishna and other incarnations are also included in the Indian history along with the name of Swamy Vivekananda. Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not fictional characters. As per the ancient Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki, mentioned above, it proves that Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are historical persons.
Avatara Kalkiye VazhkaVazhka (8):3:4
Avatara Kalkiye=Kalki Avatar (10th incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu), VazhkaVazhka=long live! long live!
Long Live! Kalki Avatar (10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu) Long Live!
Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi.
Political Chapter of Kalki written by Sage Agastya
Divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi about the duty of Kalki as Ruler to execute welfare nation.
In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi, Kalki is the Ruler and will execute Welfare Nation, written in ancient Maha Shiva Nadi Political Chapter Palm Leaves (Arashial Kandom or Pothuvin Sevai Kandom) of Kalki by Agastya Maharshi, read on 4 July 2013. Nadi Reader: A. Sivasamy, S/o V.S. Arulsiva Arumugam at Vaitheeswarankoil, Tamil Nadu, India.
Political Chapter by Agastya Read on 4 Jul 2013 – Video on YouTube (From 01:01:22)
ഗവണ്മെന്റ് ലാഭത്തിനോ ജനക്ഷേമത്തിനോ? കല്കി “Is the Government for profit or welfare?” – Kalki
Total stanzas: 22. Total lines: 88. Total words: 264.
Welfare Nation through welfare rule is the most important right of the people of a country, allowed by the position of Ruler”
– Kalki
Nadi Reader Sri. A. Sivasamy, English translators: M. Parthasarathy and Hemalatha Selvaraj.
This son is our blessed son and he will be able to visualize certain things in the form of celestial light. This son has obtained the blessings from Lord Almighty. Lord Shiva blesses this son to find success in the Political field and to carry out the public service successfully. This son should be guided in the proper way to carry out the Public service without any problems. Parvathi Devi says he is the good soul born on this earth to carry out the service to the people. This son will be able to manage the mankind easily.
Lord Shiva will hand over the responsibilities to take care of Human beings. He is a special soul and he will guide the people properly by the direct guidence of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi. This son will be able to execute the Real Welfare Rule. He will find happiness and fulfillment.
This soul has connectivity to Aadhi Shivan [Supreme Organizing Authority and Supreme Preceptor (ParamGuru) Lord Shiva, existing in Shivaloka].
This soul has come down on this earth by the gracious blessings of Lord Shiva to keep the people in this world happy and for all the good things to survive. He has come down on this earth with high responsibilities and to do good deeds to the people and to remove their sins and to keep the living beings in a good way.
In this birth he has close connections with Lord Shiva. This son has come down on this earth at the right time to fulfill some responsibilities entrusted by Lord Shiva towards the people. This son has connection to Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi. He has taken the births to do some good things whenever this world faces critical problems. He will guide the people to the right way. He will lead a happy and prosperous life.
He has taken birth but he is not a normal human being. As a human he has horoscope, Rasi (zodiac), Lagna (Point of intersection) and parents. This is very important evidence. His zodiac is Libra. His name is Kalki.
(The previous name Gopakumar and its signature was changed as Akhilananda Swamy with new signature by the Kerala Gazette dated 6th July 1999 and then again changed name and signature as Kalki with new signature by the Kerala Gazette dated 11th January 2000. No initial. Present name: Kalki.)
His parents are Ramakrishnan and Sarada. These are the evidences for tracing out the Political Chapter.
Kalki already knows about his Political life, but again he is reading these predictions to find clarity in his Political proceedings. When Kalki informed the reading time of his political chapter to some devotees on 3rd July 2013 at Kalkipuri, they requested him to get it read. In that situation, he reached at the Nadi Office, Vaitheeswarankoil to read his Political Chapter.
Kalki is referring the Political chapter not for his benefits. When Kalki exists in the Position of the Ruler he will execute the REAL WELFARE RULE which will help in uplifting the poor people in their life. This son is daily offering his prayers to Lord Almighty.
Parvathi Devi says to Lord Shiva, Kalki is My blessed son and I myself want to tell him about his Political execution as the Ruler, so You may kindly bless Me.
Kalki will have link in Politics and his reputations will increase. According to his desires he will be in the field of Politics. In the field of materialism, he is a Politician. But he is in spirituality. Both materialism and spiritualism are accomplished in him. He is a Politician and will execute the Real Welfare Rule but at the same time he is in spirituality. His Political services are the services to Lord Almighty.
Even though the people might think that he is a Politician but his dedicated service will be in the line of spiritualism. Even though the people have the idea about this son to shine in the field of Politics, his decision is very much important. This son always thinks that through his powers he may be able to render his support to the people.
Parvathi Devi says even though Kalki has obtained the blessings of Lord Shiva to carry out his works in the field of Politics, he should have the intention and decision for the implimentation and how long he intends he will be in the field of Politics. He will be entrusted with power in Politics and he will carry out his works successfully and the rest of the time he will spend in spiritualism. This son has already obtained the Grace of Lord Shiva with Parvathi Devi and Lord Mahavishnu. He will do many good deeds and charitable acts and he will lead a successful life.
This son will be able to realize the Miracles that took place in his life in the past, and he will come to know in the present and future. Kalki will come to know the future happenings.
This son will be able to realize the Miracles that took place in his previous life, and he will come to know in present and future. Kalki will come to know the future happenings.
This son has different ideas and thoughts regarding the posting in Political field. At present he wants some clarity in his proceedings but he need not be in state of confusions, he will hold around two to three Postings and he will enjoy all benefits. Because of his posting and high powers his name and fame will spread worldwide and he will get the recognition from the people. He will hold a high command in his positing and he will be ruling a Nation or Country.
This son as, he has born as a human being, now and he finds problems because of the movements in the planetary positions and he will be under the control of the planets. At present he is been influenced by 7 ½ years Saturn, so now and then he will find some disturbances. According to the Kotcharam the Saturn is housed in Libra. He will find obstacles in getting a good position in Politics, in the last moment he will find negative happenings. His efforts will meet with failure. He will be cheated by his trustworthy persons. He will find problems through his close associates. He will suffer from financial loss. He will be incurred by huge expenses. Some people will not like him to enter into Politics so they will criticize him. His party people will act against him and he will not be able to contest in the election. The ruling party will involve in back door works against him. Stigma will be attached to his name. He should have more protection in the Political field. He will find differences of opinion between him and his closer one. This son by performing the remedies strikes in his mind in the right time; he will find good changes.
These predictions are studied around his earlier age of 42 this son has obtained the blessings of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi. He will know that the Grace and Blessings only will win this world. In future good happenings will take place. This son from now onwards he will get more political contacts. His party members will be spiritual oriented. Through his intelligence he will get gradually involved with his party men. He will be holding high responsibilities. His name and fame will spread far and wide in the field of Politics.
Within two to three months i.e five months all the process will get completed. Initially he may find some problems and confusions in Political field. In future he will find desirable changes and the changes will be useful to him and he will find developments. Within one year there will be changes in the Ruling Party which will be favorable to him (from 4 July 2013 to 3 July 2014). He will have high involvement in Political field. He will be holding a high position equal to Sabha. He will be called by elderly persons in his party to form the Government. He wll find the developments in spirituality and it will show him the way to attain enlightenment.
Nadi office of A. Sivasamy, S/o V.S. Arulsiva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil Nadu, India, on 4 July 2013.Photo of Maha Shiva Nadi Political Chapter of Kalki written by Agastya Maharshi, read on 4 July 2013 from the Nadi office of A. Sivasamy, S/o V.S.Arul Siva Arumugam, Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil, India.
Kalki Purana by Sage Vishvamitra (Koushika)
Real Kalki Purana. Sage Vishvamitra said the recent past birth of Kalki was Swamy Vivekananda. Historical evidences from ancient Koushika Nadi Palm Leaves (Nadi Astrology). Ancient Koushika Nadi Palm Leaves gives the answer that this is the right time for the 10th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Vishvamitra is also known as Koushikan, the great Sage of the Indian history. Vishvamitra and other sages like Vasishta, Agastya etc. lived in the same period. Vishvamitra is one of the important sage of Sanathana Dharma or Hinduism. Vishvamitra was a King and later became great Sage.
Here by giving important Aadi Tamil stanzas with English prose translation from Koushika Nadi Pothuvai Kandam (General Chapter) and Past Birth Chapter (Shanthi Kandam- 13th Chapter) of Kalki. Divine words of Visvamithra Maharshi.
These Nadi palm leaves were read on 2nd November 2004 from the Nadi office of N. Sivaraja, Sri Agatya Maha Siva Nadi Jyothida Nilayam, No.18, Milladi Street, Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil Nadu, India.
Note: (1):14:2:1,2,3 which means (1):=chapter in the book, 14:=stanza number, 2:= line in a stanza, 1,2,3:=words in a line. If there is a number in a bracket among the numbers given for words in a line, then that number in the bracket indicates the particular part (either the first part or the second part) of the word among the three words in a line. i.e. Ithanal ShivanMainthan Gnanamthannil (9):11:1:1(2),2,3.
Ulahaneithum=in the world, Oozhkatri=solves the past birth sins, Kakkumayyan=Lord, who protects, Uyarvana=that in the highest position, Adipottri=showing respect, Makan Shanthi=past birth chapter of this son, Nalampirave=for goodness, Uraithiduvan=informs, Koushikan Yan=introduces himself as I am Koushikan, Yan=I am.
Sage Koushikan was also known as Vishvamitra, offers prayers to Lord Shiva – the protector of the world from the sins of previous births. He then introduces Himself as I am Koushikan and reveals the divine secrecies of the world renowned past birth of Kalki as Swamy Vivekananda with all its importances in the Past Birth Chapter (13th Chapter -Shanthi Kandam). Kaushika said.
Nantrandu=date of birth, Virodhikrithu=Tamil year: Virodhikrithu (Malayalam year: 1147. English year: 1971), Deepathinkal=Tamil month Karthik (Vrishchikam in Malayalam. November-December in English), Navilasey Varamathil=tuesday, IrubaanYettu Thihathi=date: 28 (December 14), Thihathi=date, Meenathuvum=star, Swathiyaam=Swathi (Chothi-15th Lunar asterism)
Born on Tuesday, the 28th of Karthikai Month in the Virodhikrithu year as per Tamil calendar. 14 December 1971 in English calendar and 28 Vrishchikam 1147 in Malayalam calendar. Chothi (Swathi – 15th Lunar Asterism) is the birth star. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Balanivan=boy, Eentrorum=parents, Deerghamahe=are alive, Peshidave=while informing, kadaiseyaay=as the youngest son, Pirappusolla=born, Nallavarkku=he, Thunaiyanor=one brother, Thunayalappol=one sister, Nallvithamaay=as it is informed, Nilaimanamum=married, Kanduvazhvu=living.
Parents are alive, while reading this Nadi Palm Leaves. Born as the youngest son. Two siblings, one elder brother and one elder sister, both of them are married. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Undivanum=he has, Gopakumar Namamthontri=previous name was Gopakumar, Ariyapin=after that, Akhilananda Swamiyaki=became Akhilananda Swamy, Vannamathaay =became honourable, Dashmavatara Kalki=Kalki is the 10th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, namam=name
The previous name Gopakumar and Akhilananda Swamy were changed and the present name is Kalki. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Position: Dashamavatharam (10th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu). Kaushika Maharshi said.
(Through the Kerala Gazette notification dated 6 July 1999 the name Gopakumar given by parents was changed with signature and accepted the name Akhilananda Swamy with new signature. Then again by Kerala Gazette notification dated 11 January 2000 the name Akhilananda Swamy with signature was changed and accepted the name Kalki with new signature. No initial. Present name: Kalki).
Generally, in Nadi Palm Leaves only one name is mentioned. But in this special and important Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki, Lord Parameswaran Shivan establishes with historic evidences. The name Gopakumar given by parents is documented in the school certificate, the name Akhilananda swamy and Kalki are also documented in the Kerala Gazette (6th July 1999 and 11th Jan 2000 respectively). Later, these three names were proved historically in ancient Nadi Palm Leaves read in 2004 with the clarification of present name as Kalki. The two previous names of Kalki were real and not pet names, when used. Usually, people have pet names, but these are not official. Nadi Palm Leaves are found in bundles. In a bundle, there are details of about hundreds of people. Among those, the three names of Kalki which is found from His Nadi Palm leaves are the scientific proof to identify the original Nadi Palm Leaves. So, Nadi Palm Leaves of Kalki are not just a prediction, but the science to prove the history of incarnation, reincarnation, birth, rebirth and also the pre-planned executions of this Universe.
Divyamaay Dashamattam Rishiyinashi (6):11:2
Divyamaay Dashamattam Rishiyinashi=have the divine blessings of 18 siddhars (saints).
Kalki have the divine blessings of 18 Siddhars (saints). Kaushika Maharshi said.
KaanaMakan=son, Irai bhakthi=dedication to lord, Darshanamudan= divine vision, Kadainalum=till the end, Vazhvuvalam Pirarmicham=will have a prosperous life respected by others.
Kalki has sincere dedication to Lord and is living in spirituality with prosperity and maturity. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Mechidave Danadharmam Palavumkand (6):12:1
Mechidave=in good manner, Danadharmam=give free food, cloth, money etc. to the poor people, Palavumkand=will do many.
Kalki will help the people. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Menmaitharum=highest, Vak Siddhi=the highest official power to execute through words, Aaththisherkkai=will have plenty of wealth, Pesha Makan=this son, who is being informed, Kandalum=however, Sanyasivazhvu=living as a saint.
Kalki has the great divine “VakSiddhi” (a specially alloted divine power by Lord, executed through the words and decision of Kalki). Kalki is saint (sanyasi). Kalki will have plenty of wealth. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Nayakarkk=his, Kalkiye Ithulnaal Namam=present name: Kalki, Namam Mun Sakshiyodu Munsholli=informed the name in the beginning for evidence to identify this palm leaves. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Presently, the name is Kalki. This is the evidence for identification of whose leaf is read, written in the Koushika Nadi 13th Chapter (past birth chapter) of Kalki. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Nayakanum Nularivan Muppanshoolsar (5):2:2
Nayakanum=he, Nularivan=while reading the Nadi palm leaves, Muppanshoolsar=aged 33.
The age of Kalki is 33, when the leaf is read. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Thanivanin Eethulkku Ivayesakshi (5):2:4
Thanivanin=his, Eethulkku=of this birth, Ivayesakshi=evidence
These are the details of the present birth. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Sakshipada=world renowned, Mun Nool=past birth, Vankadeyam=previous name of Bengal (vanga desam)-one of the state in India, Sadhakanum=his, Vivekanandan namamshoodi=name is Vivekananda
The renowned past birth of Kalki was in Bengal (one of the state in India, previously known as Vanga Desam-), namely Vivekananda. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Kaakshipadai=famous, Guru Guru Patniyum Eentror namam=the preceptor and wife of the preceptor (Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and Sarada Devi) had the name of the parents (Ramakrishna and Sarada) of this birth. Kaushika Maharshi said.
The name of Preceptor (Guru) and His wife (Guru Patni) in the past birth as Swamy Vivekananda are same as that of the parents in this birth. (Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsar and Sarada Devi were Guru and Guru Patni and the parents in the present birth are Ramakrishna and Sarada. Thus the name is same. The word ‘Sree’ is used as salutation and Paramahamsa is not a name but it is considered as a spiritual stage. Here the word ‘Devi’ is used as an honourable salutation. Real Devi and Devan exist in Jyothirgolam or Jyothirmandalam like Lord Shivan and Parvathi Devi in Shiva loka, Lord Brahma and Saraswathi Devi in brahma loka and Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi Devi in Vishnu loka in the light form (Prakashaswaroopa). Kaushika Maharshi said.
Saadhakanum=he, Ivvaraay=in this way, Vazhumkalam=while living, Kaalamathil =at that time, Nalmathippu Gauravankal=had good name and fame and higher position, Kaalayivan=he at that time, Ezhaikalkkum=to the poor people, Udavipalvar=helped, Nalamudane=with prosperity, Sheithume=did, Irainsevai=sincere service to the Lord, Nayakanum=he, Idaivittu Shentrathanaal=since went back without completing, Ithupirappum Akhilananda Swamy=became Akhilananda Swamy in this birth, Sadhakanum=he, Iraivazhiye=sincere service to Lord, Upadeshampalvar=gives spiritual advices, Vinnamila=not different, Kandiduvan=know that, Gopakumaru=Gopakumar.
Vivekananda was a renowned saint. He helped the poor people. He had done many other divine services with temple works as a saint (Iraisevai). But He did not complete and returned. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Therefore, Vivekananda came back again as Akhilananda Swamy in this birth – one of the previous name of Kalki which denotes Sanyasa (saint) and Gopakumar is not different (one of the previous name of Kalki), which all expresses that these two names Gopakumar and Akhilananda Swamy are the same part of the divine mission of Kalki. Presently, Kalki gives spiritual advices to the devotees. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Vannamathaay=definitely, Makan=son, Guruvaay=as preceptor, Vazhuvallan=will execute everything efficiently without faults, Valamthane Sakala Saubhagyankal=will live with all fotunes, prosperity and diginity.
Definitely, Kalki is living as a Preceptor (Sadguru) with all efficiency and prosperity. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Makanivanum Thanithuvamum Thuraviyahi (6):14:3
Makanivanum=this son, Thanithuvamum=with specialities, Thuraviyahi=is a divine person.
Kalki is a divine person with much speciality. Kaushika Maharshi said.
Ayyamyethu=courageously, Eraiyodu Alaavumshakthi=will be able to get divine vision and to talk courageously to Lord, Sundeeramaay=beautiful, Thanvazhvu=own life, Thane Arivaan=for self knowledge, Shelvanukku=for him, Siddhar Aashi=blessings of 18 Siddars (Agastya Maharshi, Visvamithra Maharshi, Vasishta Maharshi etc.), Shivan aashikalum=blessings of Lord Shivan, Avaniyile=in this earth, Ithupirappu=in this birth, Kadainalum=till the end, Peshittapadi=as informed, Vazhnthiduvan=for living, Daiva Arulal=by Lord’s blessings, Balakarkku=he, Iraishinthai Arulum Melum Mutre=will have the highest divine thoughts and divine words till the end.
Kalki will be able to know His life by self with the blessings of Siddhars and Lord Shiva. Kalki has the blessings, divine wisdom and divine words from Lord till the end. Sage Kaushika informed.
Lord Krishna said “Draupadi should be wife to only Arjuna and sister-in-law to the other four brothers, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva.
Author: Kalki
Kalki Revealed in Kalki Bhagawan Yugadharma Magazine (R.N.E6 – 37523/98. Not currently being published.), Malayalam monthly, in the year 2000. Paperback published in 2008. Thereafter, published in Janmabhumi Daily on 21 Sep 2010. Read Latest update in Read Malayalam online.
From an ocean of innumerable people, how can one man be distinguished from another? Though the general outward appearance may be the same, each individual has a distinct face, shape, structure, finger prints etc. It is only a universal truth that these factors differentiate one from another.
Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are the 7th and 8th incarnations of Lord Vishnu. But at the same time kings and humans. During their times also there were talented artists and sculptors. But the original statues and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not available now. So the artists used their imagination and portrayed in different forms, colours etc. as Sree Rama and Sree Krishna.
If the original idol and portraits of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are available, then will the present portraits and idols made by several artists and sculptures with different image, face, physical structures and colour be accepted?
If so then, is it that tough to mutilate the real history of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna by adding contemptuous and imagined stories?
The real portrait of Gandhiji is available now then there is no need to draw any picture of his from one’s own imagination and imagine as it is of Gandhiji, if so done then it will be a real disgrace for him.
Always this law is effective to everyone and everything for all purpose.
I respect the fundamental right to know what really happened. I have only that good intention. Read More
Kunti was meditating on Lord Sree Krishna while busily preparing food for those who would arrive soon. There was very little space and convenience in the potter’s house. But in her present situation, that was a blessing. She was worn out due to her long tiresome journeys. There was no one to share her burden of work and she was exhausted.
Food should be ready when her sons reach home. She slipped into fond reflections of her sons while cooking. Bhima would be famished by now. Yudhishthira couldn’t stand the pangs of hunger even a short while. Arjuna would never complain. Nakula and Sahadeva also would suffer silently. They were very understanding and co-operative. Five gems, her sons! But what a fate! Her thoughts wandered around them.
Did she hear their footsteps outside? She listened.
Yes! They were coming!
Kunti was instantaneously relieved of her anxiety though she was fatigued and her body craved for rest. Her long journeys had taken their toll on her. Even rising up from her seat was a painful effort but she tried to ignore all her pains and immersed herself in the finishing touches of her cooking.
Suddenly, she heard the joyous outburst of Yudhishthira from outside:
“Ma, see the extraordinary alms we have got today!”
She answered spontaneously without thinking, “Whatever it is, share it equally among yourself!!”
Hearing this hasty reply, Yudhishthira was puzzled and disturbed.
When Kunti hurriedly reached out to receive her sons, she saw Draupadi.
She was shocked to realise the gravity of her thoughtless words. She had mistaken the ‘alms’ to be the usual things they brought home daily. She was devastated!
Who was this Lady? She enquired about Draupadi, taking care not to show her mental turbulence outside.
Yudhishthira gave a very tactful reply to Kunti’s queries.
“This is the most appropriate reward for Arjuna’s valour.”
His presence of mind was always intact, he had the ability to speak amiably on any occasion to anybody, without revealing his mind.
He narrated the happenings that led to the swayamvara of Draupadi to Arjuna.
After hearing him, Kunti composed herself and received Draupadi with suitable formalities and courtesies and took her in.
Then she addressed her sons with compassion.
“The words I have uttered should not be in vain. But at the same time, nothing should go against ethics and morality.”
But in her heart she started repenting her own thoughtless words.
Seeing the plight of his mother, Arjuna said that they would obey their mother without questioning. But Kunti was in a dilemma. Draupadi was not just an object but a human and how could she be shared equally. Others also fell silent.
Yudhishthira spoke decisively that they should ask Vyasa who was the last word regarding right and wrong. His words and its tone frightened Kunti.
She asked uneasily, “What about Krishna? Couldn’t he be the adviser?”
But Yudhishthira tried to justify his suggestion by saying that Vyasa is a scholar.
Kunti resorted to silence knowing that her persistence would end up in dispute and drift between them.
‘Was Yudhishthira manipulating them using her own unintentionally uttered words?’ Kunti was in grief.
Yudhishthira again asked, “Shouldn’t the virtuous sons obey their mother’s words to fulfil their filial duty?”
Their discussion became very much alive with these words.
“If so, are we not obliged to follow Ma’s order to share the alms we got?”
Kunti was growing more and more restless because she could see Yudhishthira’s hidden intentions behind his show of propriety.
Bhima said that Yudhisthira’s decision should be regarded as the final regarding the issue since he was the eldest and so the wisest of them all.
Yudhishthira asked for a repose after which he would be in a position to speak out his decision.
So the brothers got up and Kunti rose to escort them to serve them food. Suddenly she froze at the door! Draupadi! The beautiful daughter of the king of Panchala, Drupada; the ardent devotee of Lord Krishna; the Krishna-like complexioned princess, Draupadi was standing at the doorway! Would she have heard all their conversation? Aren’t her eyes pleading to Kunti, ‘Don’t, Please don’t!’ Kunti was grief struck once again. She invited Draupadi with compassion to have food.
After their supper, they retired to their resting places. Kunti was incessantly praying to Krishna to lead them through the right path; to help them adhere to right ethics; to take charge of the situation so that they could just follow Him.
Why Draupadi is known as Panchali ? Draupadi is known as Panchali because she was the daughter of Drupada – the King of Panchala.
– Kalki
Kunti was startled out of her tired slumber by a distant sound of galloping horses which were fast approaching.
Suddenly she became attentive.
Could the enemies have found them out?
Had Drupada grown suspicious?
Had Arjuna’s archery skills exposed him off to the enemies?
Had Dushasana, the disgraceful brother of pious and noble Duryodhana, heard the news? Did he seek any evil path to take revenge? What he always secretly wanted was to grab Duryodhana’s power. Nobody could suspect the poisonous snake hidden in him!
Kunti heard the unmistaken sound of the horses’ hoofs and the chariot coming closer and closer, louder and louder.
She was filled with fear and anxiety.
Who could there being the chariot?
Could that be Lord Krishna himself?
She woke up from her thoughts, lighted a wick in an earthen holder and glanced at her sleeping sons.
There was very little room for them to relax peacefully.
They were in fact, crammed together. Kunti’s heart went out to Draupadi when she saw her tired figure curled up in a little space among them.
Poor girl! What a fate to be in that hell!
Though Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva were sleeping almost touching each other, Yudhishthira had been given a special place separately as a sign of respect.
While Kunti was thus reflecting upon her children, hesitating to wake them up, the chariot reached at the threshold of their abode.
Kunti immediately woke up everybody including Draupadi and told them what she knew and what she feared.
They lost no time in arming themselves and were ready to face the unknown.
Arjuna was all alert, Bhima held his club ready to strike, Yudhishthira, Nakula and Sahadeva were also all set for action. They were used to such quick moves and didn’t face any difficulty while preparing themselves to face any danger.
If there was going to have any combat, the people who gave them temporary shelter might get frightened and behave like those in other places had.
Now that Draupadi was also with them… In spite of five strong and courageous sons they didn’t have a place which they could call their own… Were not all these misfortunes their own making?
Kunti’s thoughts of reality were abruptly and rudely disrupted by heavy footsteps outside.
“Hey Pandavas, open the door. We are not enemies, but friends.”
They heard a voice.
Kunti roughly calculated the number of people from the noise of the shuffling of their feet. They were many.
Meanwhile, Yudhisthira opened the door without fear.
What a surprise!
King of Panchala, Drupada had come with his people!
Though with limited material resources, Yudhishthira extended a very grand welcome to the honourable guests and paid them due respects.
Still Drupada was filled with grief to see the plight of Draupadi.
What a fall for someone who had lived a princely life! Fate had been very cruel to her. He consoled himself thinking that at least she got the husband whom she had wished for; everything else could be set right in due course. Even while thinking so, his eyes were overflowing with tears.
“Original Photos of Sree Rama and Sree Krishna are not available now.” – Kalki
Drupada profusely apologised for waking them up at those odd hours. He had suspected the five who had come coveting Draupadi at the swayamvara were none other than the Pandavas. He cleared his doubt by verifying with Lord Krishna even though Krishna was not present at the swayamvara. Once he became sure of their true identity, he was rushing to see his dear daughter, unmindful of the time of the day.
Drupada’s words of humility stole the heart of the listeners. It was obvious that those words had come straight from his heart.
Draupadi was a prized possession of Drupada and he had never before known the sorrow of separation from her. On top of that, he came to realise that as a father he had in many ways fallen short of fulfilling his duties towards his daughter. Lord Krishna was instrumental for this realisation. This was the reason for him to make this unpremeditated journey.
Kunti observed Yudhishthira’s expression to see if Drupada’s words explaining his reasons for the visit had created any uneasiness in him.
But Yudhisthira was composed and he courteously said that their hut was blessed by the visit. His words pleased Drupada very much.
Meanwhile, the sound of the chariot had aroused the curiosity of the villagers and they started trickling in to see who had arrived. The guards rose to the occasion and dispersed the villagers as per the instructions of the King. Their conversation was resumed after that.
Drupada said that the purpose of him going there personally was to invite all of them to his palace; noble people like Yudhisthira and his brothers should be invited appropriately and not through a messenger. He also said that Lord Krishna was waiting for all of them.
Drupada’s words arouse suspicion in Yudhisthira.
Kunti suspected that Yudhisthira would object. But when he added that since their identity had been revealed to the enemies, their security was of prime importance, Yudhisthira consented without hesitation.
Kunti’s fervent prayers to the Lord had been answered!
Without wasting any more time they commenced their journey. Nobody spoke much on the way.
Kunti was silently praying to Almighty Lord ShivaDeva and VishnuDeva. She gained confidence that all would go well with the blessings of Lord Krishna. Draupadi would not be made to suffer the humiliation of becoming a wife to five brothers. Lord would see to it. Subjecting her to such an embarrassment was unthinkable! Any lady with self-respect would be succumbed by such an insult! And Draupadi, being the daughter of a King would not have any dearth of self-respect. Till that moment, in spite of facing such an awkward situation, Draupadi had only behaved with dignity and maturity. She might be loving Arjuna so fervently. Otherwise why should she put the swayamvara garland on a loitering vagabond like Arjuna? ‘It should be the will of Lord Krishna’, Kunti immersed herself in deep meditation.
Their chariot reached the palace.
The King had made prior arrangements for a befitting welcome to the honoured guests.
Draupadi also took rest with Kunti and others. Though the palace was her own home, the place where she was born and brought up, she now completely took up her new role as the bride of Arjuna and seemed to have forgotten her past maiden life.
Kunti was surprised at the change that had taken over Draupadi within a single day. She admired her with affection for her matured behaviour.
Drupada formally addressed his guests and as per etiquette extended a warm welcome to them in the assembly of his people.
Kunti was at ease as she saw that Lord Krishna was present there and was adorning the most respected position.
Krishna started to speak:
“Yudhishira, it was I who arranged this meeting to let you know that all your present difficulties would vanish if you follow the path of truth and righteousness. This is an opportunity for that”.
But Yudhisthira did not respond.
Krishna continued:
“Now Arjuna is not just another prince. He is the husband of Draupadi and the son-in-law of King Drupada. So it is mandatory that he keeps up the dignity of his position.”
Krishna’s majestic words were keenly listened to by all.
Suddenly Yudhisthira came alive, “It’s not yet decided who are going to be Draupadi’s husbands”.
Everybody except Krishna was shocked to hear these rather retorting words of Yudhisthira!
Kunti was also taken aback.
When Krishna half teasingly asked, “How could Yudhishthira ever utter such nonsensical words”
Yudhishthira’s resentment grew beyond measure. He said unperturbed, “We are dutiful sons who obey their mother’s words, whatever they be.”
He was testing the patience of everybody!
Kunti realised that the discussion was taking an unpleasant turn and decided to step in.
“Listen to me, Krishna. My sons reached home with Draupadi while I was busy cooking food for them. When Yudhishthira called out to me that they had brought some special alms that day, without even checking what it was, I unwittingly told them to share whatever it was equally among themselves. Yudhishthira is now misinterpreting my words!” Kunti’s words were most appropriate in that situation.
Draupadi’s eyes reflected her immense relief in hearing Kunti. But Drupada and his other family members were not so relieved because they could sense tension mounting up in the atmosphere.
Krishna tried to lighten the scene by trivialising Kunti’s utterance to her children while she was busy in cooking.
Seeing this, Yudhishthira again became agitated.
His words became sharper, “So do you mean to say that our mother’s words are to be ignored? Do they have no value?”
Krishna tried to convince him that he was mistaken. “Ma Kunti herself has confessed that she was otherwise engaged while instructing her sons to share the alms they got and didn’t pay due attention to the happenings outside. She deeply regrets it now. She was only stating the general rule that they always followed and there was no intension in her to ask her sons to make Draupadi a wife for all of them!”
Then Krishna proceeded to analyse the different aspects of the issue with hair splitting precision.
“The bounty they received that day was not something that could be measured in quantity and then divided equally! The bounty was Arjuna’s wife!”
Then Krishna started shooting questions at Yudhishthira, disarming him of all his senseless arguments.
“Is it your culture to share one’s own wife among many? Does such an act show any morality? Is it Yudhishthira’s nobility to partake in such a heinous act in the pretext of obeying his mother? Does sharing his own wife exhibit Arjuna’s bravery? Are Yudhishthira and Bhima showing piety by making their brother’s wife their own? How could Nakula and Sahadeva be so immoral as to share their elder brother’s wife? Is it Kunti’s speciality to divide and give her daughter-in-law to all her sons alike? And is it Draupadi’s chastity to remain a wife to many brothers? Should a pious ruler like Drupada support such an unethical deed? I cannot be a part to this immoral act.”
Hearing this all those who were present there lowered their heads. They had no answer to Krishna.
Finally Drupada was relieved of his heavy mind.
It was Krishna who had inculcated deep love for Arjuna in Draupadi by telling her stories when she was a small girl. Now she got Arjuna as her husband. Drupada saluted Krishna in his mind.
Kunti was also regaining her peace. Draupadi, who was known as Krishna or Panchali was happy and thanked Krishna profusely in her mind.
Though Arjuna was a little embarrassed, he also felt pride in Krishna’s words.
Krishna, the 8th Incarnation (Avatar) of VishnuDeva, would always take actions based on strong morals and practicality. He would not support anything illegitimate. Kunti also felt confident that since the issue had reached in the hands of Krishna, it would be settled in the right and amicable manner.
Meanwhile, Krishna continued:
“Motherhood is the last word of selfless love. Although a woman has to enact the roles of a sister, wife, daughter and mother, her position as a mother is the most noble. All her children have an equal place in a mother’s bosom. Hence, when Kunti said ‘divide your bounty equally’, she was only being fair in fulfilling her motherly duty. Everybody should get what they rightfully and morally deserve, or else there would be anarchy and instability in the country. And that would be its downfall. Every action should be based on principles and good values and then only Lord Siva and Lord Vishnu would shower their blessings consistently.
“Draupadi should be wife to only Arjuna and sister-in-law to the other four brothers, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva. There would be strong bond and harmony in the relations only if they behave wisely and sensibly.” Krishna’s judgemental statements were strongly based on the age old culture of the land that still remain to be the pillars of our heritage.
“A mother gives appropriate food to each one of her children. What she gives to the eldest may not be suitable for the youngest; what is good for one may not be so for another. Requirements depend upon the body structure, age and other factors. She would be satisfied only when she identifies and gives the food that is needed for each one. The quantity and quality of food varies from one to another. It is not wise to insist on giving the same to all the siblings. What is required by the eldest might be too much for the youngest and what is enough for the youngest might be too little for the elder. There it would be foolish to insist on uniformity.”
The words of Krishna were like a soothing shower of nectar on Kunti. Draupadi also was energized by Krishna’s words.
“It is true that a mother should never show partiality to her children. But should all her children get uniform portions from her, whether they are small or big? This would create difficulties. For the small child the food will be more than what he could consume but for the big child it would be insufficient. Since the general wellbeing of her children is her prime aim, the mother should take into consideration all aspects like age, body structure, health etc. Only then she could be said to be fulfilling her motherly duty. Likewise, Kunti said what they got should be shared equally. That only meant they should take their share according to their position in the family; what they truly deserve.”
“If royalty itself goes against rules of morality, what would be the fate of the subjects? Pandavas should never set a wrong example.”
Saying this, Krishna glanced at everyone present, especially Draupadi.
He continued,
“As an honourable lady of a royal family, Draupadi had never agreed to be the wife of all the five brothers when she consented for her wedding with Arjuna. Why should she subject herself to the obstinacy of Yudhishthira? Is it not treachery? Even an ordinary citizen has the right to live according to his values; so it goes without saying that Drupadi’s wish could not be violated. Any attempt in that direction would be unacceptable. Decisions should be based on good intention, care, consideration, observation, analysis and wisdom. Only then could those decisions be put into practice. And such practices should be unquestionable morally and ethically.”
“Arjuna’s elder brother, Yudhishthira should have looked objectively into what Ma Kunthi hastily and thoughtlessly blurted out. He should have analysed it wisely befitting the royal dignity, before telling his opinion. If he had done so, the issue could have been solved in no time. This topic would not have got so much of undue importance.”
Krishna continued,
“On top of all this, King Drupada’s criterion in selecting the bridegroom was very immature and unethical. Expertise and talent in archery should not have been the yardstick of eligibility to become the groom of his daughter. A clear vision of life, righteousness, practical insight, truthfulness, diligence, enthusiasm, moral courage, care to fulfil duties to parents and elders, wisdom to identify wrong notions and practices and ability to stand away from them, spirituality, flexibility, progressiveness, social awareness, tolerance, adaptability- these are the qualities a King should look for in a prospective groom. A wedding should not be reduced into a competition. In a swayamvara, as conducted here, the bride is choosing her groom from a pool of contestants. In effect, it is like insulting the rejected ones. A marriage is a matter of one’s very personal likes and preferences. It is not to be exhibited in the public but to be held in privacy in a small gathering of relatives and well-wishers only. On the other hand, if the bride selects one out of the many invitees who had come coveting her in marriage, it is equal to insulting the others. This practice should be discouraged. It only breeds rivalry; invites animosity even from friendly neighbouring countries.”
Lord Krishna said He had already made this clear to King Drupada. But he did not take it seriously. It is an individual’s decision to do what he wants. He has the freedom to take an advice or reject it. Krishna’s duty was to reveal the right path and never stand with wrong doings. The doer is solely responsible for his actions, good or bad.
“I did not partake in the swayamvara, but I know what would have happened there. That is why I reached here and announce My judgement in an issue where morality is at stake. What happens here should not become a blemish to the period of My Incarnation (Avatar). Yudhishthira has to correct his misconceptions. I am not with him in this issue.’ Krishnae proclaimed with strong conviction.
Then He continued, “In the present state of Pandavas, where they wander with no place even to fulfil their basic needs, priority should be given to finding a solution for that. All problems should be truthfully and earnestly approached if a solution is to be evolved.”
Another context was recalled where the Lord Sree Rama had handled a very difficult situation in the most appropriate manner. Queen Kaikeyi misused the boon given to her by King Dasharatha and asked to send the Seventh Incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Sree Rama, to the forest for fourteen years. What Dasharatha did? Discussing with Sree Rama, Dasharatha gathered the truth and weighed the pros and cons, called for the assembly of royals and led the discussion and thereby ultimately evolved the rightful course of action for Sree Rama. Realising his own mistake, Dasaratha stepped down from the throne to entrust the Kingdom to Sree Rama. The enthroned Sree Rama very objectively examined the events starting from Dasaratha giving the boon to the happenings that led him to be exiled. He pronounced sentences to the deserving offenders who took the wrong paths. Though Dasaratha, Manthara and Kaikeyi were guilty, their evil intentions had not been fulfilled. As they were publicly proved to be guilty they were in shame and were rejected by the people. No one should suffer punishment twice for one crime. So they were acquitted. To set an example and warn the people who instigate others to commit offences, Manthara was punished. A King should never heed to wrong requests; he should never give boons that would hinder imparting his official commitments; he should not exploit his official position for his personal benefits. Those who pretend to do their duties but have hidden agendas behind them, are to be dealt with as criminals. A King should punish the offender ignoring his relationship with him. That is the moral duty of a King. He should not only uphold the value of truth but also convince the people that he is doing so.
‘‘The History of Rama, the incarnation of virtues mandatory for a King, is helpful in taking a decision in the present situation’’, said Krishna.
“Sree Rama executed welfare nation through written constitution in which people have the right to elect all the members including the King and Ministers. Sree Rama established ownership scheme. This scheme allows every citizen to become owners of all enterprises and institutions which produces, stores and distribute all kinds of things needed in daily life. As per the ownership scheme, owners equally receive half of surplus amount for all enterprises and institutions after all expenses including salary of employees. Remaining half of the surplus amount is kept as country’s reserve money. People become rich by getting additional income from the surplus amount by the Ruler along with the salary.” So, citizans will be financially secure along with the Nation.” Sree Krishna informed.
“Now all these are implemented in Dwaraka. Through amalgamation of various scattered countries including Dwaraka into one nation named Bharatha, I will establish all these welfare reformations. All my decisions given above are suitable for the rules of welfare nation.” Sree Krishna concluded.
Kunti was amazed at the wisdom of Lord Krishna’s words. She mentally prostrated in front of Him.
Though Yudhishthira’s mind was filling up with resentment towards Krishna, he was not in any position to open his mind in front of all.
Drupada rose to the occasion by saying that the course of action for the safety and success of Pandavas including Ma Kunti and Draupadi could be decided in the presence of Krishna.
“Yes”, Krishna said.
“Decisions should be befitting the royalty. Draupadi is only Arjuna’s wife. She is the sister-in-law of Yudhishthira, Bheema, Nakula and Sahadeva. They should uphold the values of the great culture of Bharatha by behaving with dignity.” Sree Krishna informed.
“Since Draupadi always treated every one according to what they deserved, usually the Pandava brothers did not crave for undeserving possessions. Here, although their misplaced ambition did not bear fruits, the sheer fact that it occurred in their minds is a warning to Draupadi. She should, hereafter, pay more attention while mingling with them. Or else it will lead to suspicion and criticism which would affect their life. True knowledge of the law of the land alone will help in ruling a country with the blessings of Lord, extending peace and prosperity to the people.”
Krishna’s words made Pandavas, including Yudhishthira, uneasy but they had no way but to accept them.
Kunti prostrated at the feet of Krishna for setting the stage for Draupadi to live as the wife of only Arjuna.
Read Kalkipuri Temple Rules (read Malayalam original കല്കിപുരി ക്ഷേത്രനിയമങ്ങള്) to know the real laws and rules of worship of the real Deva Varga (Lords) BrahmaDeva – ShivaDeva – VishnuDeva existing in light form in the celestial spheres (Jyothir mandal) Brahma loka, Shiva loka and Vishnu loka.
Kalki is the founder of Kalkipuri Temple, situated in the birth place, Edavannappara, Malappuram Dt. – 673645, Kerala, India. Ph: 04832724372, kalkipuri.com.
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