Kalki Purana by Agastya and Vishvamitra
Divine Conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi
Real Kalki Purana. In ancient times, in Shiva loka, Lord Shiva (Shiva Deva) informed Parvathi Devi about Kalki Avatar with detailed information i.e. names, date of birth, star, planetary position, parents name, the age while reading palm leaves, details of previous incarnations as Rama, Krishna, Vivekananda etc., own temple (Kalkipuri) and the renaissance of Hinduism (Devakarya – Lords matter), official execution as Ruler to establish Welfare Nation etc. Original Sanskrit palm leaves by ancient great sages are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves.
Parvathi Devi offers humble prayers to Lord Shiva and requests to inform the divine secrets of Our Son [Aadi Tamil stanzas and English meaning from Kalki Purana : Inamaanu Deviyan Vanankiketpen (1):2:3. Embiduveer NamMainthan Rahasyaththe (1):2:4. Rahasyaththe Sukshmamaay ArulveerNaadha (1):3:1. Inamaanu=as all these, Devi=Parvathi Devi, yan=I, Deviyan= I Parvathi Devi, Vanankiketpen=enquires with humble worship, Embiduveer=please inform me, Nam Mainthan=our son, Nam=our, Mainthan=son, Rahasyaththe=divine secrecies, Rahasyaththe Sukshmamaay=divine secrecies with minute details (Suksha Sukshmam chapter), Arulveer Naadha =Lord! Please inform].
Lord Shiva accepts the request of Parvathi Devi and reveals the divine secrets of Kalki. “His birth is a great fortune to the world” Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi [Aadi Tamil stanzas with English meaning: Ihaparathil Shenithathume Bhagyankal (1):3:2. Ihaparathil=in this world, Shenithathume=born, Bhagyankal=(people) is great fortune].
“Grace and the greatness of Kalki Avatar (incarnation) will become famous by My divine words” Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi [Aadi Tamil stanzas and English meaning from Kalki Purana : Avatharam Velippedume Enatharulaale (1):25:2. Avatharam=incarnation, Velippedume=become famous, Enatharulaale=through my divine words].
“The date of birth of Kalki is 14 December 1971. Star: Swathi (Chothi- 15th Lunar asterism). Venus is in Sagittarius as Lagna – Ascendant. [Aadi Tamil stanzas and English meaning from Kalki Purana : Virodhikrithu Aandathile Thelinthinkal (1):3:3. Vilambidave Irubaanyen Sheyinvaram (1)3:4. Varamathil Swathimeen MudiKaviVillu (1):4:1].
“Kalki exists in Oneness beyond caste and religion” Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi [Aadi Tamil stanzas and English meaning from Kalki Purana : Shathimatham Kadanthuthan Yehamentru (1):8:4). Yehamentru Vilankidume Karunayale (1):9:1. Shaathimatham=caste and religion, Kadanthuthaan=beyond, Yehamentru=exists in oneness, Yeham Entru=in oneness, Vilankidume=will be self honoured with fame and glistening existence, Karunayale=by blessings].
“Previously, Kalki incarnated as Sree Krishna (8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu) and have saved Droupadi (to be the wife of Arjuna only, one of five Pandavas).” Lord Shiva informed Parvathi Devi [Aadi Tamil stanzas and English meaning from Kalki Purana : Ithanmunnam Kiruttinanaay Avatarithaay (1):9:2. Udaviyathu SheithavanNee Panchalikkum (1):10:2. Ithanmunnam=before this, Kiruttinanaay=as Lord Sree Krishna (8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu), Avatarithaay=incarnated, Udaviyathu SheithavanNee Panchalikkum (1):10:2. Udaviyathu=save (help), Sheithavan Nee=you have given, Panchalikkum=to Droupadi (wife of Arjuna only, one of the five pandavas)]. Droupadi was also called as Panchali because she was the daughter of Drupada-the King of Panchala.
To know about the original history of Sree Krishna and Draupadi, read “ദ്രൗപദീപതി അര്ജ്ജുനന് മാത്രം – ശ്രീകൃഷ്ണന്” in Malayalam and English “Draupadi: Arjuna is the Sole Husband – Kalki”
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ഹിന്ദുത്വ സനാതന ധര്മ ഏകത്വം, ഏക ആരാധന, രാഷ്ട്ര പരം വൈഭവ് (ക്ഷേമരാഷ്ട്രം)- Kalki | ISBN 9789334037760.
അഖണ്ഡ ഭാരതം. Hindutva Sanathana Dharma Oneness, Sole Worship and Rashtra Param Vaibhav (Welfare Nation). Author: Kalki.
ശ്രീരാമന് പുനരവതരിച്ചു. അഗസ്ത്യ മഹര്ഷി എഴുതിയ ശിവദേവ-പാര്വതി ദേവി ദിവ്യ സംഭാഷണം. നാഡി ജ്യോതിഷം. | NADI ASTROLOGY | LORD RAMA REINCARNATED
ശ്രീകൃഷ്ണന് പുനരവതരിച്ചു. അഗസ്ത്യ മഹര്ഷി എഴുതിയ ശിവദേവ-പാര്വതി ദേവി ദിവ്യ സംഭാഷണം. നാഡി ജ്യോതിഷം. | NADI ASTROLOGY | LORD KRISHNA REINCARNATED
ആരാണ് വിവേകാനന്ദന്റെ പുനര്ജന്മം? നാഡി ജ്യോതിഷം (ഋഷിപ്രോക്ത നാഡി താളിയോലകള്) ഉത്തരം നല്കുന്നു!! | NADI ASTROLOGY | VIVEKANANDA REINCARNATED | REBIRTH
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
REBIRTH EVIDENCES: He was born on April 4, 1970, lived for seven days and was reborn on Dec 14, 1971
पुनर्जन्म : उनका जन्म 4-4-1970 को हुआ था, जो सात दिनों तक जीवित रहे और 14-12-1971 को पुनर्जन्म हुआ
Truth Behind Rebirth | പുനര്ജ്ജന്മം | തെളിവ് സഹിതം | Unbelievable Secrets | നാഡി ജ്യോതിഷം | ആത്മീയത
Patented പ്രാണികള് കടക്കാത്ത അടപ്പുള്ള വിളക്ക്
Patented Kalkipuri Insect Free Oil Lamps
About Ancient Nadi Palm Leaves
In ancient times, great sages Agastya and Vishvamitra (Koushika) had seen in their meditation the divine conversation of Lord Shiva and Parvathi Devi about Kalki Avatar (incarnation) and they wrote it on palm leaves in Sanskrit language. Later, Tanjavur King Sarabhoji II (Serfoji II:1777-1832) in Tamil Nadu with the help of scholars translated to Aadi Tamil (old poetic Tamil) language and named it as “Nadi Jyothidam (Nadi Astrology – Nadi Palm Leaves)”. But it is not Astrology or a part of Astrology, nor it is prediction. Actually, Nadi palm leaves are the divine commands or real Universal Court Order of the Supreme Organizing Authority (Sarvadhikari) and Supreme Preceptor (ParamGuru) Lord Shiva about this earth. Each Aadi Tamil stanzas have four lines with three words in a line. Original Sanskrit palm leaves by sages are not available now. Aadi Tamil translation is known as Nadi Palm Leaves and Nadi Astrology. Read More.
Kalki | Kalki Avatar | Kalkipuri Temple | Astrology Proved Inborn Divinity (Swayamboo Chaithanya) in 2003
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